Nice. Knew this wasn't a Burneko article with the blue server.
Nice. Knew this wasn't a Burneko article with the blue server.
To be fair, the stick attack was a last resort after the Gulls didn't fall for the Alka-Seltzer wrapped in bread trick.
+1 for Sugar.
Go Big Blew
A Michigan Police spokesman was quoted as saying, "Dude, he was like suuuper drunk, ya know, like totally blew the BAC off the charts. I was like, du-uudde! You need to get a hold of yourself... like totally gnarly wasted."
I had retracted my original comment because it wasn't funny. The "meh" was directed at myself.
MARRS - Pump Up The Volume
Just to fuck with the groove....
I used to like Bourdain (No Reservations), but now I would not be sad to see him die in tire fire. Aging hipster crap.
At least you don't have to worry about blueberry muffin penis showing up on a Foodspin ranking.
Unlike Bobby Valentine, Bargnani looks to be actually protecting New York.
A lit Coleman isn't just for camping.
Someone made an Asia reference this past week in their joke, so what the heck.