He’s in slightly-better-than average shape. Younger-dad-who-plays-softball-on the weekends shape. Good for him.
He’s in slightly-better-than average shape. Younger-dad-who-plays-softball-on the weekends shape. Good for him.
Furthermore! Kinja is fucked up and I can’t fix my typos...or star other people...or even get to see new comments! Fix this shit! Thank you.
Lemme guess...when a trans girl is forced to use a male bathroom...and then she gets beaten and\or raped, the defense will be the perp(s) were suffering from “trans panic” and had no control over there actions. “Your Honor, don’t ruin this decent Gawd-fearin’ boy’s future over this!”
KINJAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!< shaking fist>
Friends with Benniferits?
Does Mr. Leyva go to his favorite bar wearing a t-shirt that says “Ask Me About My Amorphophallus Titanum!”?
No, Harry would probably not be comfortable with any car chases.
My sister’s cats have two cat towers made of plastic tubing and some nylonish cloth material. They are high enough that the top tier is just over windowsill height so they are perfect for bird and squirrel surveillance. Which rarely happens as they usually just curl up and go to sleep.
Codifying a type of vigilante enforcement. So much for the rule of law.
Yep. People like this asshole recognize “the swamp” is an excellent grift. I have no doubt he is the racist gun nut whackadoodle he’s portraying himself to be. But seems pretty clear he’s looking to cash in on the current insanity the country is struggling with.
Deep Blog conspiracy. It’s the only explanation.
Demi always seems so lost. Obviously, few of us can really understand what they struggle with and we can second guess them endlessly. They really seem to be trying to make sense of their life. As just another rando celeb voyeur, I wish them the best of journey.
Can’t wait for the climax of this story.
The nutjobs are already foaming at the mouth over Mr. Potatohead and Dr. Seuss. Not uttering the word abortion ain’t going to stop them from accusing any Dem\lib from being a baby-killing monster. Might as well take a clear stand.
Absolutely. She's gonna have fiftyish years in the labor force as it is. No reason to rush that shit.
At my first real job, I was obviously eager to prove I was capable and reliable. So I would jump in to volunteer for all the extra projects and late hours. I made friends with a guy a few years older than me who had worked there for a number of years. We were talking in the breakroom one day and I was griping about…
Like WTF? Are they afraid vebalizing the word “abortion” is going to upset the anti-abortion nutjobs even more? The fanatics already believe all pro-choice supporters are in league with Satan to murder The Babys™. You’re not placating them by tip-toeing around it. Speak the fuck up!
This and then party with the people who actually care about YOU and want to celebrate this happy occasion with you.
Make a difference? No. For entertainment purposes only.
Oh...if only. To never speak of these trash people again would be bliss.