chocolate covered raisons d'être

Yes. This is more the point I was driving at in my original ham-fisted comment. There needed to be a more comprehensive plan to help both tenants and landlords weather this global crisis. They shouldn’t have to battle each other over a situation that neither had any control over.

What do you mean? I always wear a should belt and check my mirrors when I’m sitting at my desk. Safety first!

For clarification: I’m not positing that landlords are inherently bad. For smallholders, it can be a damn hard undertaking, I’m sure. But like pitting employers vs. workers, landlords vs. tenants is another way of setting groups at each others throats and keeping us from finding better solutions to these

Sure. It shouldn’t be a dog-eat-dog situation between landlords and tenants. That was my thinking on the bank angle. And it’s not like the banks wouldn’t go begging to the government to prop them up over any losses, anyway. Sooner or later, we all pay the cost.

Not to sound like my tinfoil hat is on too tight but this ultimately comes down to the banks and investors holding mortgage paper, right? If there had been a some kind of moratorium of mortgage payments, landlords and and renters wouldn’t be pitted against each other during a worldwide public health crisis that

Yeah...I don’t eat crawfish, either.

I like to alternate between Reece’s Peanut Butter Cups and Kit Kats. I’ve been known to snack on Pringles with a side of bite-size 3 Musketeer bars. Or fudge ripple ice cream on top of a Krispy Kreme glazed donut.

Affleck is...well...Affleck but if Jlo needs to get her freak on and can stomach being with him...go forth and do the do, you krazee kids.

Fuck him. He’s no more owed an unfettered platform than anybody else. He’s a clear and ongoing menace to this country and FB has every right and reason to ban him for life. Will his lumpen followers then abandon FB? Bye, bitches. But I know FB ultimately only cares about their bottom line and that will be the final

Did someone say snacks? I’m in. What are we talkin’ ‘bout? Oh right...snacks.

That’s the beauty of it. These dumbfucks suck up to trump to try and garner his (and his lumpen supporters) favor only to get stiffed for the smallest slight to trump’s fragile ego. All they end up doing is showing what sniveling little worms they are. 

From the legal standpoint, that’s true. The point though is the average person who reads or hears the story and clocks the phrases “gang members” and “gang affiliation” isn’t thinking dognappers. They more likely to jump to “Crips\Bloods”. Are the media disabusing their consumers of that notion or are they reinforcing

Like just about all Republicans, she’s bereft of any actual ideas on policy except for the same old tired cliche nonsense the rightists always peddle. So it’s fall back on “God Bless ‘Murica” mythology and culture war drivel. The only reason any trump lumpen would even think about voting for her is she ain’t a

Tucker Carlson should have a field day with this story. “First, THEY steal your pet! Then THEY steal your country and civilisation!!!”

I wish to subscribe to your podcast.

Simple answer: The Carters have evolved into Hobbits.

“Humans of CIA

Yeah, being a genius (giving ol’ Bill the benefit of the doubt on this) doesn’t exempt someone from being a decent human, ELON! JEFF!

You got it all wrong! They luvs their wimminfolk and they are defending them AND The Children™ from being victims of Big Abortion! Oh how sweet Jezeus is smiling down on holy Lubbock right now....

He looks like the dude I bought weed from in 2004.