chocolate covered raisons d'être

Ugh... what an ordeal. On top of being in pain, you had to deal with that clown. But at least you got checked out and you know what’s what. Take good care of yourself now. I know when I get hurt, I tend to get impatient and wind up prolonging the healing process. We all want you better ASAP :)

Car dealers are the worst. Yeah, it sucks but don’t be hesitant about being direct or even rude. Having a per-approved loan is good leverage and don’t be shy about letting them know that you’ll be fine walking the hell out and buying a vehicle elsewhere. Good luck.

Oh no! Prop that ankle up and get ice on it. Will you be able to rest it for a couple of days, at least? If you happen to have crutches, use ‘em.

You need more stars.

I’ve seen snippets. He’s like a frat boy doing an open mic. Ugh. If he knows about MMA and wants to be a commentator on that shit, fine. Anything else seems like a gross misrepresentation.

Which begs the question...why listen to him at all? He’s not even funny.

Ok, we know Greenberg will say whatever he thinks will get him some kind of deal. We know Gaetz will continue to claim he’s the victim of a massive Deep State plot to bring him down and destroy America. We know Stone will lie about everything to advance whatever agenda is currently fermenting in his head. So how do

Hawley is a traitor and should spend the rest of his life in prison.

Back last year? A hundred years ago? Hard to remember now. But the claim was Wayfair was trafficking kids under the guise of advertising very expensive furniture pieces. People with functioning brains...am I recalling this correctly?

If they weren’t all BLM Antifa commie anarchists using late-term abortions as casual birth control trying to discredit the greatest president of the greatest nation, well...would this be happening to them right now? Serves‘em right for sex trafficking children packed into expensive armoires shipped out of pizza parlor

Why would Walmart care how many employees got sick\died? The workforce is expendable. We all know the company’s real attitude towads this information is “Yeah and...soooo...what’s yer point?”

He’s a shrunken head full of bad political takes.

The first time I rented a box truck, the guy handed me the keys and pointed out the vehicle in the lot. I actually said to him “That’s all?” Rental guy says “Yep.” I was 23 and had never driven anything larger than a Taurus. Now I was taking a 17' truck across two states alone. I was terrified.

First off...Carville? Outside of being a talking skull who still manages to pop up on the TV, does anyone still give a shit what his opinions are? Did he end his little lecture with a warning for all the youngins to get off his lawn?

Dunno how you can not see it but I figured it was my own perv brain at work.

Dunno but glad they didn’t use the shot where Travis actually inserted his thumb into her asshole. Leave a lil’ sumptin’ sumptin’ to the imagination, kids!

It’s always sweet to see a Kennedy or Cruz or Gohmert (the list is endless) get their asses handed to them in full public view. The tragedy for the nation is their supporters always manage to rationalize their complete failures as an own-the-libs win somehow. No doubt Kennedy’s voters are crowing about how he put that

In Carlsons world, that is an added bonus.

I missed this gibberish somehow. The idea is vaccinated people are somehow making unvaccinated people sick, specifically causing problems with women’s menstrual cycles? Is that the gist? Wtf?

Shhh! Just walk away.