chocolate covered raisons d'être

Why would Walmart care how many employees got sick\died? The workforce is expendable. We all know the company’s real attitude towads this information is “Yeah and...soooo...what’s yer point?”

He’s a shrunken head full of bad political takes.

The first time I rented a box truck, the guy handed me the keys and pointed out the vehicle in the lot. I actually said to him “That’s all?” Rental guy says “Yep.” I was 23 and had never driven anything larger than a Taurus. Now I was taking a 17' truck across two states alone. I was terrified.

First off...Carville? Outside of being a talking skull who still manages to pop up on the TV, does anyone still give a shit what his opinions are? Did he end his little lecture with a warning for all the youngins to get off his lawn?

Dunno how you can not see it but I figured it was my own perv brain at work.

Dunno but glad they didn’t use the shot where Travis actually inserted his thumb into her asshole. Leave a lil’ sumptin’ sumptin’ to the imagination, kids!

It’s always sweet to see a Kennedy or Cruz or Gohmert (the list is endless) get their asses handed to them in full public view. The tragedy for the nation is their supporters always manage to rationalize their complete failures as an own-the-libs win somehow. No doubt Kennedy’s voters are crowing about how he put that

In Carlsons world, that is an added bonus.

I missed this gibberish somehow. The idea is vaccinated people are somehow making unvaccinated people sick, specifically causing problems with women’s menstrual cycles? Is that the gist? Wtf?

Oklahoma, you so crazy!

Shhh! Just walk away.

WTF SNL! One top of all the other horrorcringe we need to deal with, you think the comedy stylings of Elon Musk is what the people are craving?

Wow...well...ok then...8 pm EST you say? Cool cool.  Soooo....yeah. Oh hey..I need to go talk to that guy over there...good chat...nice to see ya....catch you later....

Anytime someone publicly asserts thatI’ve been assured my jokes are hilarious” the game is done.

You rock, forever and always :)

For any fellow olds here. Watched the bio documentary of Frank Zappa on Hulu last night. I thought it was quite good. Something to check out if you’re at a loss for content.

Good luck and have fun!

Catch up? I haven’t even started the first time.

Happy anniversary to you both! Wishing her the best at her new job.

My wife divorced me. Boy, was my face red.