chocolate covered raisons d'être

“Petty” is never to be avoided when applied against Ted Cruz, the midlife hipster blobfish. First it was the facial shrubbery, now this haircut? Can’t wait for the skinny jeans. Also we can all take joy in knowing that, no matter what, his own family is repulsed by him.

WTF? How is this guy not fired? White House Deputy Press Secretary and you don’t have the smarts and poise to say “No comment” about a personal question? Or even claim “Your questions are inappropriate and I won’t dignify them with an answer.” But you go on to verbally attack a female reporter (NOT the male one who

My default position with exes has always been to assume they never want to talk to me again for any reason. That has worked out well for all parties concerned.

Ehh, good on him, though it does come across as braggadocio. Certainly when I was 25, I wasn’t this thoughtful. It took a gf asking if she could leave tampons and other supplies at my place to even give it a thought. Then it was like “Oh shit! Of course!” So if he’s bringing some awareness to da bros, that’s something.

Also, what would stop these assholes at athletics? Why not employment or housing or or or.....

So what I’m reading here is RZIM trying to get out in front of any potential litigation. Fuck them. I hope a battalion of lawyers take this “ministry” apart.

That’s a different case. If someone is sick and then also continues to carry on with their life like it’s no biggie, exposing other people in their wake, that person can’t expect sympathy. They’re not just being reckless, they’re are exposing others to a serious, potentially fatal illness. They deserve the strongest

Addendum: Fuck Instagram.

In the end, all you can do is take the best care of yourself and then of the people closest to you. I’ve certainly done my share of ranting at the TV when stories come on of WH events, big weddings and the like where few masks are in evidence. But yeah, you can only do what you can do. Now, if a family member or

I posit that Aaron consumed different foods in the days before his stroke. Therefore, he must have died from complications related to eating! People should stop eating till we do more food studies!

Imagine their outrage if, for example, a president spent four years trash talking people on social media. Oh, the accountability they would demand!

Is she making this a new reality show? Sounds like it.

So...don’t be like Hitler....got it.

Based on actuarial data, family history, current state of health and morbid speculating, I calculate I have 10 to 20 years of life left. I find that rather comforting. If I survive to be 100, I think I’m gonna be pissed.

That’s the main issue here, right? That there is a dangerous lack of regulation and accountability? A safely, ethically run facility is probably beneficial for many kids and people like Veit above did have their lives turned around for the better. But do parents really know that the facility they’re sending their kid

“Whoa! Hey! Not cool!”

Remember when we thought Bachmann was the measure of elected insanity? And now we got us a Taylor Greene? Ah the golden days of yore....

It’s true. I did not pull myself out of the womb by my own bootstraps. I expected other people to do all the work like a little socialist antifa Satanist elite baby who traffics babies.

The “wonderful right to life ceremony” is, of course, classic GOP hypocrisy.

I watched this at 3am figuring it would help put me to sleep, honestly. But watch it I did and my takeaway is this whole game is pretty much rigged against her. It’s seems like a nearly-impossible situation for her if she’s got to convince a court that she is competent to handle her own affairs. Maybe the legal folks