chocolate covered raisons d'être

My feeling exactly. Trump is and always has been a hate-fueled carnival barker but he’s been so beyond the pale as far as even basic human behavior, many of us cannot even fathom it. He maaaaybe isn’t an actual psychopath but the only way I’ve been able to somewhat wrap my head around these past 4+ years is to think

Good point. Look at the many galaxy brains already wasting oxygen in Congress. Vanks would fit right in plus she’s already used to old guys wanting to fuck her. It would be a step forward that at least she’s not the child of any of them.

Appreciate that. Thank you.

Kind of you to say. Thank you.

How kind of Vanks to supply a Dem opponent with a ready made campaign ad.

Do a ceremonial bonfire of the “gifts”. A cleansing ritual, if you will. Put a match to that shit and dance around the flames in joy. In other words...fuck ‘em.

It was cold and snowy this morning but I refused to be denied. Once it stopped, I geared up and went for a walk, dammit! Pandemic? Civil War? No, I say! Choose life! Umm...you don’t happen to have a few of those miniatures left, do ya? Luv those lil bastids.

Ugh...that fucking guy. He should be forbidden the use of words in perpetuity. 

This illustration is perfect.

When I was in my late twenties, I felt like my life was crashing. I already had a suicide attempt notched and I was self-harming on a near daily basis. I finally worked up the nerve to see a therapist. It took me about a year to tell her about the abuse I grew up with but I held it together. That was my thing. Never

Be Nothing.

Surviving on disability is very hard. Fresh veggies are indeed a luxury item.

Combining Scientology and robots? Is that really a good idea?

Fortunately for freedom, all good Americans will refuse to take any money or participate in any programs proposed by that radical socialist Biden. Imagine... expanding food assistance to people just because they don’t have enough to eat! It’s madness!

I’m sorry you experienced that. I agree 100% that the scum should be exposed. My query is a tangential one and I apologize for getting off point.

Hope Ghost weighs in on this one. Yes, morally, the org should absolutely know who they’re dealing with. But could the scumbag have any legal recourse against them if they’re acting on unproven allegations? They need to know who they’re dealing with but what they can do about it probably depends on a whole lot of

{Chef's Kiss}

His defense will be “I already won this case. You know it, the other side knows it, many of the best legal minds have told me so. Witch hunt!”

As has happened so many times over the years, Betty White puts me to shame.
