chocolate covered raisons d'être

I’m so sorry. Wishing you and your family all the best during this sad time.

Ditto. After a whole bag I’d be sick for days.

I’m finally getting around to watching Legion on Hulu. I’m liking it more than I thought I would. Also reading a 1000 page bio of Napoleon that I’m guessing I’ll never finish. But it’s cool. I already know the ending.

Embrace the muffinness!

Bless her heart! She’s a proud MAGAmerican, dammit!

“Sometimes metaphors feel like floating balloons to me...”

Cool cool cool. Let these assholes keep outing themselves and bring charges on as many of them as possible. They are traitors and morons.

Let’s be fair. Sorbo was correct. Those asshats are definitely not patriots. But they are most assuredly Trump supports. Everyone knows Antifa has much more panache.

Folks....sigh...it’s time for me to live my authentic truth. For literally decades, I have been living as a white man in America, availing myself of all the privilege that comes with that. But now....I can no longer live the lie.


Ya know, these deserters are playing the odds that people will forget the shit they’ve pulled during this administration. Not a bad bet, based on the history of shitheads in this country. All the more reason that Biden & Co. need to drop the hammer on as many of them as possible. But I read today Biden isn’t much

Well, why don’t those people just become billionaires like the rest of us?!

Make sure you keep this filed away in a safe place for when Gaetz announces his ‘24 bid. It can be his campaign yard sign.

Maybe she can score a Depends deal. Alec ain’t getting any younger.

Omg are you kidding me? I looooooved Viennetta! This was the poshiest dessert you could get when I was a wee lad. I’ll be on the hunt at my local supermarkets now.

Hey Megan...I’d be willing to take a shot at you making the rules for awhile. After yesterday and this sinking feeling I got over what still might be coming? It’s Reynolds take the wheel here....

OAN and Newsmax will still talk to him.

McConnell on the Senate floor piously extolling the sacred republic damn near brought me to emesis. The fact he wasn’t struck dead by lightning proves there is no god.

I needed this laugh right now. You rock!