chocolate covered raisons d'être

Do they test you first before administering the vaccine?

Slut shaming never goes out of style, does it? And if you can direct it at one of the Obama girls, that’s just bonus points. How boring and tiresome and just plain ignorant it all is.

Sounds like Joe was a bit grumpy...maybe the paperboy threw his WSJ in the bushes again.

Is Shia LaBeouf hot? Always struck me as borderline weird\creepy.

Yeah, that’s probably true. What was so weird to me was I had no inkling of that. So it was totally out of the blue. Ah well....say lay veeee.....

It was ok. I feel like it helped me fall asleep quicker. So already an improvement :)

Look at that cake! OMG! Are you kidding? That is ART. Bravo!

Yes! First library card! Huzzah! A huge milestone indeed :)

Oh I gotta try this. Luvs me some PB & J with either hot tea or cold milk.

Please don’t use the family pet, whatever species. Nine times out of ten, it’ll only cause a bigger problem. 

I had been dating a woman for about a year. I was pretty smitten with her and she seemed to feel the same. She asked me to meet her parents and I was up for that. They lived the next state over so we decided to do a long weekend visit. So we get there, there’s handshakes and hugs, everyone is getting along. Weekend

New And Improved Mexico!

Ya gotta read between the lines ok? It’s alllll there....


Thanks again for the advice\tips. I picked up some CBD\THC chocolates at a local dispensary this morning and will try it out tonight as a bedtime snack. Appreciate you sharing your knowledge.

A little Drew goes a long way but she’s fine.

That’s all anybody wants to hear except maybe your closest family and friends.

Just spitballin’ here but how about a giant company like Disney lobby that legendary statesman Mitch McConnell to pass a huge relief bill so people who work at Disney didn’t have to risk their lives going to a fucking amusement park during a pandemic. I’m really fucking sick of the bullshit of pitting workers vs. emplo

“It’s time to get rid of the leftovers,” the official said. Merry Christmas, ya little fuckers! 

Nothing more romantic than having some options in the pipeline. Goldie and Kurt know what’s up.