chocolate covered raisons d'être

Big deal. My top was off while I filled out my mail-in ballot two weeks ago. However, the good news was I didn’t get ketchup on another t-shirt for once.

I’m craving an extra large nacho supreme affair from a local very good Mexican place. With extra cheese and jalapenos. Or a big fat burrito. Why not both? Indeed!

“Did someone say five-day soup fast? Go onnnn....”

People around the world already know of America’s hypocrisy when we lecture about freedom and fair elections. This debacle only makes us more of a global laughingstock. Hopefully the youngs are seeing what a travesty this is and not give up but strive to make things better.

Ditto. I woke up this morning with major dread. Hopefully, I can occupy my brain all day so as to not dwell too much. I want to avoid watching results coming in but the pull is going to be too strong. If I don’t end up in a fetal position on the floor by the end of the night, it’ll be a miracle.

Well, we have go through a very meticulous vetting process, followed by a carefully considered confirmation that is then thoughtfully debated and voted upon.... Nyaaaaaaaa! Fuck that! We don’t do none of that shit anymore! You called it, you got it! Now everyone else....look under your chairs to find out what high

This was from back over the summer I believe but it’s even more relevant now:

We’re supposed to be getting a spurt of nice weather here for the next few day. Keeping my fingers crossed so I can at least spend a goodly amount of time outside. I won’t be able able to resist the urge to check news, come on here and whathaveyou but I can get some doses of fresh air and exercise to help manage.

Heyyyyy....well....this is more like it...yeeeesss.

A supermodel AND a feminist? Preposterous! The poor child’s perfect bra-less breasts are making her delusional!

Dammit....I never get to be president....

Guess I have to preempt Trump’s bullshit by declaring myself president as of right now.

Yeah, the pornstar name thing is a joke, not an actual suggestion.

So by that logic....Trump, a very stable genius who has had many books written for him, must really have it all under control. 300K dead people will find this news very comforting.

Nothing here either.

“Americans have the right to gather under the First Amendment to hear from the President of the United States,” said spokesperson Courtney Parella.

Oh damn that’s a new one. Ok...well...fuck it as long as it counted.

Bird and Rapinoe. Awesome individually and together. Some nice news before Tuesday’s shitshow.

Yeah ya know when I was a kid watching Connery’s Bond movies, he always came across as thuggish, not suave and debonair. Apparently, Fleming didn’t like him in the part either? Later of course we all learned what a...gentleman...he really was. So yeah....bye.

I’ve only had to vote at a church twice in my life and yeah....it doesn’t feel right. Luckily living in a big city, polling places are usually public schools, libraries etc.