
I've gotta say mine is when he's helping Louise with her Topsy project and is waiting in the basement to throw the switch, and goes a little crazy from loneliness, inventing some back story for himself.

This trailer looked so bad, I've been waiting to see it slammed in an AV Club review. I was not disappointed.

How is Tree Trunks Bernie? She's a King of Ooo/Trump supporter!

I think it's a slow burn. Like, it's the sort of thing that would happen when she's in high school - not that they're aging the characters so that we would see that.

I loved the episode where Tina and Darryl pretended to date, and even after she fell for him, despite her feelings she understood how perfect Darryl and Rosa were for each other.

A Monster Texts

Patrick Stewart would have been a good choice.

I totally lost interest in the Daredevil show once they gave him that lame costume. I like to think he's only wearing it because making that disabled tailor feel bad would be a Matt Murdock no-no.

No one named Scarfe is going to be a good guy. I thought it was a dead giveaway.

What I hope is that it doesn't become like that documentary about Kevin Clash: gross and creepy in retrospect.