
He'll be tweeting about this pic next for the next month, all you rust belt peeps who voted for him. You are the last of the last on his priority list lol

There will never be a "bipartisan" system again, especially since BO was elected. Republicans made it clear it's their way or the highway - that's why I'll never vote R again. But IMO you are holding HRC to a way higher standard than any male candidate would have been held to. All politicians lie, but people laser

Going out on a limb here assuming you're a millennial, so what you are experiencing today is basically what the country went thru during the 60s - still in a "war" - I'd like to think the Millennial has taken up the "hippy" label but more connected, but "Projects" are still here, racism is alive and well - Trump is

From what I read, the problem seems to be the electronic voting machines seem to be slanted right, excellent article from Jonathon Simon who wrote a book called "Code Red; Computerized Election Theft and the New American Century". He's been doing election forensics the last 15 years. Also the fact that people even

Sadly that's true also, but living thru elections since the 70's this one stinks more than the one in 2000. I mean, data does not lie, Polls, EXIT poils had HRC winning - Even the Senate was headed for take over. And now they're trying to say everyone who was polled across America Lied? Data was wrong? No - there are

IMO the main reason HRC lost was because, when she first stepped foot in the WH back in the 90's and tried to create a HC plan the republicans went nuts and they made it their blood oath to start a negative campaign and media blitz about her ever since. If one looks back to some of her interviews, she spoke of "vast

Looking at the glass half full, I don't think it's intentional by the young white liberal - I'm convinced they truly can't see it or don't understand because they grew up white. Just like most men don't understand or can recognize sexism when it reared it's ugly head, all thru the elections. IMO College brings