
You're negelcting to mention the most distinctive aspect of The Violent Years…("Penthouse Forum: The Motion Picture!")

I think they lessened that requirement by season 10 - how else would we have gotten Girl In Gold Boots and Final Justice?

The AV Club
elastic flap[s] of milk skin

The blond guy on the left appears to be going through the exact same realization.

Damn you, Predator reboot, for making me care with that director and that cast!

CHiPs, along with the Dukes Of Hazzard and the works of David Hasselhoff, regularly redeemed the lives of both cancer patients and the suicidal. At least, if you believe the fan letters that Hasselhoff includes in his autobiography: http://www.avclub.com/artic…

Big Freedia's in this. That's one hell of a way to make a course correction.

…I don't think that's why they were singing "Gigaaaaantor"…

This is just a flimsy excuse to link to this, but he makes a surprise appearance in this superdouchey Rolling Stone profile of Ed Sheeran: http://www.rollingstone.com…

That vault has arguably done far more damage to Disney than it thinks, ESPECIALLY with its 30s and 40s shorts.

I love the serial killer version of Scooby Doo on the Venture Bros., but in particular I love that, when dying, Shaggy/Sonny turns into the bombardier from Catch-22.

On Hulu.

A section from his script:

Feig I still have a soft spot for (I largely credit him for Freaks and Geeks), but Apatow is pretty much a Clueless Male Feminist meme in human form at this point.

I have never cringed harder at a piece. I read it looking through my fingers, begging him not to go where he was about to go. That is the official Saddest Take.

I mean, yes it sucks that people are mean to her online, but she still splits her time between a NY brownstone and an LA mansion with her Taylor Swift/Lorde producer boyfriend. I imagine that softens the blow.

That would actually redeem the entire show if that happened.

I really am genuinely embarrassed that I took any TV critic seriously a couple years ago. When even the Pulitzer winner is pulling shit like comparing Susan Sarandon to Bill Cosby and Woody Allen, it really shows how much gravitas was projection on my part.

Dunham went to the Stan Lee School of Protagonist Naming.