
Hardcore mustache fetishists.

I feel offended on Paul Reubens' behalf.

He's also a Polanski supporter, so, you know - probably not a good object of admiration for teenage girls.

Well, when I say drone, I should probably say 'repetitive music' - which could be anything from Earth to Coil to Ravi Shankar.

…Makes sense.

Oh, sure - rub my teetotaling face in it, why don't you?


*ejaculates onto perpetually smiling face of Michael Douglas*

Of course not. You're not ElDan.

First thought: Yeah! Where's all the porn?

"Despite the show's decline in ratings, it's still doing better the
current HBO shows (Last Week Tonight is pretty close) and twice as well as Looking and Togetherness."

"I still think that season 2 finale was purposefully ironic"

Yeah, even totaling in the HBO Go ratings, this show can't be hitting more than 2-3 million a week. If it wasn't for the psychotic level of attention that it/Dunham attracts online among those aforementioned freelancers, it would be another Enlightened.

Put me down for 'losing interest'. She's producing documentaries, writing books (plural - she's got a novel going, apparently) and screenplays (that Catherine, Called Birdy adaptation), and guest starring on TV shows that are WAY bigger than hers. She's checked out.

White, overeducated, upper-class freelancers in their 20s and 30s who live in Brooklyn or wish that they did.

That was a bad and unbeautiful thing to say, sir.

Welcome to Lena Dunham.

Screaming at a fifteen year old student AT school = gentle warning. Got it.

I wouldn't.

They got the idea from Dale Gribble.