
Maybe you are ALL homosexuals!

Everyone can enjoy that!

Great Job, 1996!

I believe that the line is "being spanked by Rodney King". Which ups the edge considerably…

All I want is that custom Tele Thinline with matching outfit.

Exactly - she's more of a vampire than Madonna or Bowie ever were, but she camouflages it behind that goody-goody exterior. It's creepy.

I just want attention.

This woman is evil. I can't prove that at all (even that recent hacking didn't turn up anything) but I can feel it in my bones.

Why Do You Hate Us, Internet?

I don't know this guy. Just putting that out there.

That is so incredibly sad for so many reasons. It's like he still thinks it's 1974 in terms of cruising.

*KirkCameronLeftMeBehind sues BedroomPastrami*

Of course, they say that you can improve your life to the point that you can fly and read minds, but hey, hope is hope!

They must also want to sate their giantess fetish at the same time.


Those bastards, mooching off that sweet Hot Tuna money!

Boy, you can just feel the rays of warmth coming off of that comment…

You know, someone else voicing their dislike for something is not necessarily an attack on your choice to watch that thing.

Have you ever been in a Turkish prison, though?

Now that it's started to infiltrate television (oh, I'm sorry - it's not TV, it's HBO), this genre has to be on its last legs, though - right?