
That's exactly how he's referred to in a lot of Lynda Barry's dedications to him in her books (I believed he christened her "Funk Queen" in a similar dedication for a Life In Hell collection).

"Hmm, determined or not, that cat must be long dead."

That relationship soured real fast though. "That's just something made up to scare kids, like the boogieman or Michael Jackson!"

…Isn't Peter Pan technically a juvenile delinquent?

I've been listening to the first Rocket From The Tombs reunion album, and he just KILLS on that.

Going by the reviews, it's definitely her leaving.

There's a bootleg of Cream at Detroit's Grande Ballroom in 1967 on Youtube, and even just listening to the first two songs (Tales Of Brave Ulysses and a 15-minute NSU) was enough to make me say "Oh. So that's why they called him God." And I HATE him otherwise.

I'm a man who listens to almost nothing released past 1981, and even I find those horrible assholes annoying.

Underdog choice - Sonny Sharrock. To this day, I can't understand how he got that amount of malleable sustain in those Last Exit live albums.

He said "great".


I hate those types of comments, too - but I haven't seen any of them yet. Besides, I'm just here for the season premiere - I'll probably be gone by next week, and so will a few other Negative Nellies, I'm guessing.

I'm betting that he and Dunham are the only improvisers, because I've yet to hear the other actors talk about it like that - except, oddly, Donald Glover way back when.

I assume he's talking about improvisation (though it's worded awkwardly - he looks at the playbacks, I guess?).

Andrew Rannells discussing how he comes up with his "best lines" at the last premiere:

It's an old illustration of Ferdinand the Bull in a field of flowers.

But there's Jell-O wrestling! And bitchy workshops!


Not watching this season, but just so I don't miss a chance to get the Girls defenders mad: