
I tended to disagree with the review. I found the episode to be pretty damn boring. The first half went well, but I guess I just don't deal with "angst" all that well when watching it on TV. Everything was pretty heavy handed and clumsy this episode, and worst of all, boring.

Her howl was so friggin cute and awesome. I had to rewind it a few times

Yeah I've stopped watching too, but the reviews and comments section are by far the best part. Considering what they're working with, this may be the worst show on TV (pound for pound).

Due to Gemma's resourcefulness, I think the obvious conclusion to be drawn is that Season 7 is a prequel to "the last of Us" and Abel grows up and changes his name to Joel. His brother Tommy remains Tommy.

And then the new Chief has to go around and figure out who did it. Was it Tito Puente? Principal Skinner???

Yeah no shit, but you aren't criticizing anything. Your argument is, "Well do it better yourself", which is the dumbest argument. But you called me "jr" which intimidates and scares me because you're so tough. I bet you're the leader of an outlaw tricycle gang! Maybe you can document your adventures. It would be

Ah the "do it yourself" argument. I'm not a writer, nor do I try to be. Sutter is, and tries to be. In this episode he failed spectacularly. Since he does this for a living, he places himself in line for criticism when it fails. This failed. That's the chance he takes.

To Juice: "You betrayed me!!" Stares at him all evil. "Now off you go to find my psycho mother who may or may not be about to kill my wife, who is the reason that I chose to go to jail!"

Also the characters have never been more pushed aside. This show is strictly about Jax, Gemma, Unser and Nero

Yeah I'm aware of that. But god forbid they are looked at as characters who have something interesting to bring to the show. Gemma is a one trick pony whose been wailing like the same broken, murderous, boozy record for the past 5 seasons.

I keep thinking of the type of show this would be if Sutter ever stuck to his guns and actually killed off people when they needed to go. Seems like it would be a whole hell of a lot less annoying and episodes like tonight would have more of an impact.

I feel worse for the fork. I mean Juice beheaded that poor thing and then DROPPED BOTH PIECES IN THE SAME DUMPSTER. Genius.

It would have been MUCH more interesting if Tara killed Gemma and she, Jax and the club had to deal with that. Instead we get Gemma being Gemma and the plot moving exactly how you thought it would, and Wendy becoming the mom again coming from infinite MIIIIIILEs away.

I am relieved to see the grade on this piece of shit episode. I've been an apologist all season for the most part, but this episode was everything Sutter is at his absolute worst. It was nothing but plot contrivance after contrivance, with a bunch of writing blatant manipulation at its worst. Nothing ever seems to

I do really enjoy that every time Unser is going to "watch the kids" one of the biker chicks immediately shows up to take the kids from Unser. It's like they have 5 mom's and zero dads. Hell, even Nero spends more time with Jax's kids than Jax does.

This didn't get nearly as much love as it should have. Well done

"Step off the plane onto this pedalstool. Excuse all the damp squid. It's been a rainy season"