Weegee Ennui

Nick Loeb ain’t stressing over no baby...he’s stressing over Sofia.

The secret is don’t have kids. My partner and I are in a LTR, we decided not to get married after we got engaged because we didn’t see the point (why spend that much $ on a day), and we don’t want kids. We’re both highly independent people working in creative fields and we support each other’s idependence and creative

I like this one, the one guy is swimming over here and the guy at the edge is like “hey, whaddya want from me?

I’m sure every commenter is going to say this about their city’s airport, but Philadelphia has NO business being in the top 10. I’d say about 80% of the time I’ve used it there’s been some major screwup, and all the flights are $200-300 more than they would be out of NYC (2 hours in a shuttle). Plus the whole place is

1000000000000000000000000% true!!!

Precisely. When I was reeeeally struggling to enter my field my financial hack was always having at least a dollar in cash on hand so if it got really tight and I had nothing to eat I could get a hot dog from 7/11. So yeah really not interested in upper class “I didn’t choose to be born rich!” guilt. Like just be

Exactly. I once had to turn down what was (at the time) a dream job because I couldn’t possibly survive on the low pay in NYC. It just wasn’t doable at all. The worst part is there were opportunities to move up pretty much immediately after the first year at this job but I couldn’t even make one year at such a low

The truly frugal-by-necessity among us can just look at this as a joke. I read the article out loud at the bar last night and we all laughed and laughed and laughed. 

It’s amusing when people get so touchy about their money situation. The sanctimonious refrain of being told not to call someone out who’s parents have helped them... while at the same time glamorizing or fetishizing it over instagram et al. It’s a bit of a reason why very liberal people can’t understand the bitterness

If your family has money you’re going to advance farther and faster than those who don’t enjoy that privilege even though the argument could be made that someone from money doesn’t need that crucial leg up to begin with. We are living in a society where having money is rewarded with opportunity and more money while

I didn’t include the gas & electric, food (a conservative $100 weekly), Uber, or, the big ticket item - health insurance. Even without the health insurance cost, she would still require at least another $10,000 of salary. As she works only 29.9 hours per week, she is part-time and wouldn’t be on a company plan. So her

The only Money Diary entry that was worth reading was the drag queen who lived on less than £20k a year in London because #relatable.

Just crunching the numbers, this woman has a gross income of at least $82,500.

I think it cost $650 total for one tube of filler split between both eyes. I’m pretty happy with it, but I wouldn’t mind having a little more. Before I got it I felt that when I looked in the mirror all I saw was hollows under my eyes, now I don’t feel that way. I probably could have therapy to deal with it but that

The entire piece reads like this wife became unhinged about the picture sent to her husband and pitched the whole trend story to the Times, in order to be like “this woman is crazy and this vagina picture is awful, right?!!?!?” to about 50 people and get paid to do it. 

I’m a Christian Scientist pharmacist.  NO PILLS FOR ANYONE

I agree on all points here - but #2 is an especially good point. I honestly don’t understand what gives pharmacists the authority to refuse a doctor’s orders for their patient. Barring any drug interactions or whatever that the doctor may have missed, it would seem fairly cut-and-dried that the pharmacist’s role at a

The reasons for wanting a legally prescribed medication should not matter. Yes, this situation is particularly tragic because the woman wanted a child and the fetus died and she needed to abort. BUT....how about a situation involving a woman who doesn’t want to have a child and needs to abort a viable fetus? The

I saw this yesterday and what made me maddest of all was that he didn’t tell her that someone else could fill it, nor did he tell her it was transferred to another location. What if she didn’t have transportation to get there? If *he* didn’t want to fill it, he should have at least been responsible to tell her a) when