Proto Man

I haven’t seen the latter two either, but I’d guess that part of the budget differences between them and GB2016 had to do with cheaper filming locations and more efficient use of VFX.  Paul Feig, up to that point, had mostly done much smaller-scale movies with relatively little CGI, and I’d suspect that someone who

I hadn’t thought of that! He’d make a stellar Dracula. That said, it’s a character that’s technically new for the MCU, but it would be pretty funny for him to list one of horror cinema’s oldest and most popular characters as fresh and original.

If Silver Surfer is in this it better damn be Galactus

I mean you either take the path of Hamill and are always down to talk about it or you take the path of Ford and literally just look pissed off anytime someone brings it up.  

I both respect that and kind of laugh at it. There’s a reason most horror franchises either just resurrect the bad guy or introduce a copycat/family member/etc. The ambition of not doing it the easy way is laudable, yet their solution is so convoluted and makes next to no sense. 

I hate that movie. Karate and Kung Fu are not the same thing, and that movie just adds to the confusion.

Me and my therapist agreed it’d be good for me” — K. Stewart, on a late-night show 6 months from now

This show shouldn’t have worked. The original movies are objectively silly as hell, with some of the most cartoonish villains you’ll ever see (but somehow edgelords have felt the need to insist are actually the heroes for decades now). But Cobra Kai actually manages to bring them into a more real world setting and

It is curious how gore’s presentation has so much to do with how it’s received. I would never show Terrifier to my GFs kids, but had no problem with them watching Dead Alive. The gore in that movie is so blatantly over-the-top and presented in such a slapstick manner that even when buckets of blood and body parts are

I’ve made it through the three Art the Clown movies released so far, but I have to say I did something during Terrifier 2 I didn’t expect; I laughed out loud during what was considered the scene that one-ups the hacksaw scene from Terrifier 1. God help me, I have to think it was intended to be funny because it went

I’m not saying that people aren’t allowed to not like it (like I said, I’m probably not gonna watch it because torture porn isn’t my thing, even though I can respect it). I just think acting like it is some kind of death knell for popular culture is actively stupid, not only because it is a weirdly conservative view

Must have been one hell of a shitty boss. I’ve literally heard more smoke about Schneider than pretty much any other celebrity.

I didn’t watch it either but maybe that’s the issue: they’re conflating his behavior with child rapists by putting them in the same conversation. I saw people on social media going on about how Schneider should be in prison, but being an asshole and a crappy boss isn’t illegal. Nor is it anywhere in the same ballpark

I watched it. I didn't think he was a sexual predator just a asshole boss. 

I haven’t seen this,  but I was more under the impression that he was just a shitty boss. 

I think you’re underestimating the impact of negative publicity. I bet a lot of people are gonna vote for Biden just because they hate Trump.

Eh, Tom Felton definitely caught the Child Actor Has Some Serious Trauma virus. His autobiography dealt with some heavy substance abuse issues that he was lucky to work through.

The Rock came back to wrestling in 2012 after the two biggest box office hits of his career at the time, Fast Five and Journey 2.

f&f actually much more damning. he’s periodically returned to wrestling several times since becoming an actor. 

Will the people who think this ever have a combined net worth of $30M, though?