Proto Man

AV Club news article on announcement of South Park thing: ‘Ugh these guys again who even likes this anymore’

and god, we’re already so tired

“hey, do you get these pounding headaches in the front of your skull while watching this stuff?”

“...and, god, we’re already so tired.”
Waiting for the next Taylor Swift installment...

I know some writers they could hire! They worked on a highly-rated show called Daredevil and they already had another season planned out.

This is giving big “It’s gonna be a Super Bowl ad” energy

I agree with Lee, and also think Grave of the Fireflies should have had a few minutes devoted to what Oppenheimer was up to.

Yeah I know he’s reportedly dead but I’d be careful if I were you.

I wonder if that was one of the reasons he was so tough.

He and Dick Trickle are doing unspeakable things with the angels now.

RIP to the man with one of the funniest names in sports 

I feel like Techno Mechanicus is actually the sort of name kids would think is really cool. It’s everyone over 10 years old who realises it’s a dumb name (except for Elon Musk, apparently).

Though the Bernstein family defended Cooper’s decision in “Nose-gate,” there’s no getting around that in the five hours Cooper sat in the makeup chair daily, no one asked, “Are we sure about this?”

The children should be taken based on their birth names alone. Anybody who names their children like that is unfit to be a parent.

Lindsay Ellis always does great work.

Haha no, I just think most of everything she does is marketing, so I don’t terribly buy it. 

Yup a whole history of capitalist fuckery is the reason why people should be anti-Disney, not because hIsPAnIC wOMaN Is pLaYiNG snOw WHiTE11

Yeah. He would have fucking hated this and so do I.

Man, this is all going to end so badly for the NFL. I’m sure it’s great to have Swifties on your side, but hell hath no fury like a Swiftie scorned. At least their “relationship” looks to be about as orchestrated as the NFL’s efforts to help the Chiefs win at every opportunity, so when it inevitably “ends” hopefully

“Hi, I’m Tom Hanks. This dental insurance company has lost all credibility, so they’re borrowing some of mine!”