I Have This Thing

Screenplay by M. Night Shyamalan

This is insanely superficial. I should say up front that I think MNS is a good visual director and a bad overall filmmaker (due to his terrible scripts) and an awful person.

I had high hopes for his return to form after watching Split. Now, well, Jordan Peele is my sensei.

Cowboys fans likely.  They get the swiftest of punishments in Philly.

Like the collapse of the British colonial Empire? Perhaps you should learn about your own nation’s history before displaying your pompous ass.

I know we’re a shit show but it doesn’t mean the E.U. has its shit all together. You had that little Brexit thing paving a pathway for other members to leave and Great Britain has Scotland wanting out of Great Britain. And Poland is becoming a Catholic version of Alabama, just minus the prolific firearms.

It’s all fun and games until you realize China would be the big winner if the US collapses. If you think the Yanks are bad.....

It’s just fun to make fun of White Supremacists losers. Sorry your feelings got hurt.

Oh god shut the fuck up. dont be the “stick to sports” guy and ruin another site.

Yeah, Philly has enough homegrown racists, they don't need these out of towners! 

It is good to start the week on a positive note.

Gawker got shut down and Splinter got shut down and Deadspin got replaced by scabs so I guess it’s fallen to Jalop to do some general news commentary stuff now.

riiiiiiight they weren’t like intentionally instigating people and carrying weapons

You clearly don’t understand how the internet works. 

when you have time to go protest for white supremacy, it’s highly unlikely you’re a contributing member of society. I’m pretty sure I’ve stepped in piles of dog shit worth more than these mutants.

Rental cars and buses are expensive to rent now. You can get a box truck to haul your bigots for @ $25 a day. The bargain basement is open for Khaki pants, Black (iworkforbestbuy) shirts and cheap transportation by Coyote level packing into box trucks.  At least they were wearing their covid masks right?

I mean... Eagles fans are world famous for fighting amongst themselves during the game.

Yeah, but I still read the article with interest.

You wouldn’t have to spend nearly $60k to get that. Go buy a new Prius. It’s nicer in every way to drive, light years safer, burns about 1/3 the fuel, has more cargo space and is just about the definition of reliable.

This W124 is really cool - but let’s be honest, it’s simply an obsolete car which doesn’t do anything

1) This is, to me, one of the purer expressions of the entry-luxury private sedan, and is a level of equipment and capability that is difficult to surpass. All the stuff you need, most of the stuff you want, and an absolute minimum of frivolous distractions.