Jew here, dislike Israel. There is a difference between being born and Israel and being a staunch fucking Zionist. I do not believe I have a right to Israel just because I am Jewish.
Jew here, dislike Israel. There is a difference between being born and Israel and being a staunch fucking Zionist. I do not believe I have a right to Israel just because I am Jewish.
And it makes me want to see it less. In teh same way I would want to see a movie less if I found out Richard Spencer was the main star.
Thanks for the hot take, Mr. Unfuckable White Guy with Self-Diagnosed Nonthreatening Psychological Disorder
You were born in Nevada... you don’t get the right to be offended by St. Paddy’s... Christ on a crutch you Americans are so fucking delusional it’s disgusting.
I totally care...that this shit is worthy of keystrokes.
I assume many of the haters and joksters who comment on these articles are people who primarily browse Deadspin and are regular sports fans.
You do realize that the girl was 10 years old? Do you expect her to wear a tiny business suit?
Moderately Hot Take: CGI still fucking sucks.
Same thing :-)
Nuance, reading comprehension, and attention to detail are not exactly things Trump supporters are known for.
It’s hard to feel bad for Gawker Media hen they behave like petulant children when they have their past misdeeds bite them in the butt.
A little humility please, Gawker brought this on themselves. You are FAR from innocent.
You literally give zero fucks about a group of human beings who are successfully fighting a vastly superior colonial force because, for you, this is about science right?
yes, because its ugly to you by all means lets fuck it up more. maybe we can just give those locals some smallpox blankets too. we have already fucked over natives since the whites showed up, how about let the natives be.
Um, why the fuck should anyone have to put up with even virtual groping if they don’t want it?
Think of how traumatizing that could be to people who have been assaulted in real life. Or molested.
There sure is. And you can bet he won’t be paying for her tuition anymore.
Fine, I’ll say what everyone’s thinking: Is there a Mister Koritala?
Aw man let poor Ken be. He doesn’t deserve this. It’s all fun and games till Thiel comes after your ass on bone’s behalf. And then you know what happens? No rice cooker
HAHAHA your pedantic correction is not interesting. Everyone who read OP’s comment understood he meant “copyright protection” not “copyright.”