
Yes, a lot. One of the few absolute brand allegiances that have stuck with me over decades - Give me Charmin or give me death.

I fall over my own feet just walking in a straight line. I would break an ankle just contemplating those moves.

I swear I can recite some of those commercials by heart at this point

As impressive as the crouched spinny thing (it’s technical name) Biles does is, the standing one is really visually stunning. To some degree it's a show down of the new versus old style of gymnastics.

I just watched her routine and holy shit that mount and those spins. Even if Biles had nailed hers Wevers should have beaten her.

I haven't seen it yet but I'm glad it was justified. Fine, I would have settled for a tie.

Exactly. And they always air it last. I get that they want to show races live (and am glad they do), but then cut out the useless babbling in between or air everything live so I can TIVO that shit and watch it at my leisure. No wonder it’s the lowest watched olympics —everyone must just end up on YouTube watching the

I hope you’re right — she’s so good and such a pleasure to watch on beam and floor.

Ugh I REALLY wanted Hernandez to win gold.

I HATE how long they delay gymnastics airing. I can’t stay up until 11 every night dammit.

The fact that the header progressed over the course of the week is a spectacular attention to detail that should earn one of you a raise.

I would say I’ll believe it when I try it but that would be a lie because I will never try it.

Oh that makes much more sense. I prefer to use hot oil, but to each her own.

For me, finding glimmers of humor from shitty times is the saving grace of aging.

Having an embarrassing term paper put on the internet would be so low on my list of most embarrassing moments that it would be almost quaint.

Please consent to their posting excerpts on the internet.

I can believe every single thing in this piece other than the idea that anyone would drink hot licorice tea.

This feud is really upsetting me they are supposed to be family

Ah, then you might need to go legit. Though I love this too which is easy to clean, has a great removable tray that can go in the dishwasher (and has a cover so if you don’t want to clean up yet but want them to not be able to splash shit everywhere you can seal it down), and straps securely onto any chair.

Agree on everything but the high chair. Don’t buy something that takes up space. Get one of these which attach to any table in 60 seconds and fold up to travel with you. I got one of these with my second kid and immediately resented every time I stubbed my toe on the giant one I registered for with my first.