She is also the sole survivor of one of the best feuds in Hollywood history — with her sister, Joan Fontaine.
How could someone who fancies themselves a journalist not do even the most basic of research required to vet a story. If someone’s entire story is predicated on owning and being in a specific place at a specific time, you don’t think to find out if it’s true?
Worth it.
It’s basically purgatory.
I assume it’s just eggs — there’s no mention of the father and he would almost certainly have a final say in this if the embryos were his genetic offspring.
Ugh, I’m sorry. York is the worst in terms of getting anywhere AND the food options are limited. Here’s hoping the 2nd avenue line finally gets built (I know it’s technically under construction but since they’ve been talking about it since I was born I have my doubts). And double hoping that this is the first and last…
Wow. This is further evidence to the fact that no one should live on the UES.
How could I forget?!
She wasn’t necessarily making that much. This is about how much money her movies bring in, not salary. Starring in superhero movies has a way of moving you up that list. With the exception of Eddie Murphy and Tom Hanks (both there due to animated films) all of the men above her have been in huge blockbuster action…
I agree.
Explaining the reason behind something isn’t the same as justifying it.
I’m sure they weren’t. You asked what the reporters did. I was pointing out that their very presence probably set her off, not that they behaved in any way offensively and certainly not that her behavior was justified.
Did I say anything to suggest that I thought her behavior was even remotely acceptable?
I can almost guarantee that before camera was rolling she and the camera man were casually chatting as they drove up. Their lives weren’t just shattered, they needed to have reporter faces on for the segment but were otherwise going about a day at the office.
In the throes of grief, seeing someone casually reporting on your dead child would probably be enough. She’s a racist asshole and should be charged for threatening and laying hands on them, but I can see why the press being there would set off a powder keg.
Is that where they’re all from? I have an almost unhealthy love of celebrity gossip but the only person in this post who I could pick out of a line up is LeAnn Rimes.
I eagerly await the announcement of your Walk of Fame ceremony.