
I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic (ETA: or if your double negative is intentional, it’s been a long day)

It is XR according to the STAT article (which cites the FDA). But regardless I actually removed that bit from my comment because I realized XR or instant isn’t really relevant to my point.

That’s usually a sugary dusting though, not through and through. It’s like advil — that sweet shell doesn’t do much if you chew it.

At a certain point you just have to be like [jack‐o motion] and do you.

This sounds great to me. If they’re marketing it directly to kids burn it to the fucking ground. If they’re just marketing it as an alternative drug, as long as it’s properly prescribed and monitored I think it’s great for kids who can’t take pills.

Unfortunately, he is right.

Can you really use someone’s voice like that without consent? How horrible for the women involved? (unless they agreed in which case...ok?)

I literally did not recognize her. The accent and the hair do completely threw me. That casting makes it considerably more exciting.

I really think it’s in part because you can’t sue gun companies. If they were facing major lawsuits over all of these “misfiring a" they'd revamp their guns pretty damn fast.

So in that case — and I’m not trying to fight I’m genuinely curious (because having guns for hunting is something I try to resist criticizing because that’s how some people actually feed themselves) — why not leave ammo somewhere else? Why risk loading the gun and leaving it for a second or a kid finding out the combo

I think, if someone owns a gun, that’s really the only way it makes sense — especially with kids in the house. That’s the responsible thing. Ammo should be at shooting ranges or purchased at outposts near legal hunting grounds and banned everywhere else. You don’t need a loaded gun in your house.

Oh the Sansa speech. What I thought was most heartbreaking/spoke most to her current state was the dismissive, mocking tone she had when she said “I don’t mean in my tender heart, it still pains me so” — as though feeling it emotionally was too childish or not something she had time to engage in. With her steely look

I think veryone knows that and has heard it (I didn't grow up around guns and that's basically the only mantra I know about them) — it’s just not everyone does it. What we need is strict gun control and to make it illegal to have ammunition inside the home.

He should be charged with murder. He may not have pulled the trigger but sure as hell killed his daughter. Let him spend a few decades in prison and be banned from ever owning a gun.

I think there is zero chance that we will build death camps in the US (I said concentration camps, but what I specifically meant was extermination camps). I could be wrong (god I hope I’m not) but I do not see mass murder on behalf of the US government in 2017 as a possibility.

You’re right. I wasn’t drawing the right distinction between a concentration camp and a death camp, which I definitely should have instead of going with internment. Either way, drawing the connection to Kristallnacht and the Jewish ghettos is spot on.

All made in Mexico and China. Top of the line

My father, who is a survivor and lost most of his family in Auschwitz, has been saying that for months. That the way Trump is phrasing it and the way some people are frothing at the mouth supporting it sounds eerily like Hitler’s rhetoric and what set Germany on the path to the Holocaust.

That’s what I’m thinking. People who are saying Trump’s plan is like the Holocaust or that he’ll build concentration camps are being ridiculous. But if this pans out the way he has proposed, comparing it to internment camps and Kristallnacht is actually a fair analogy.

This umbrella is great (especially if you have kids who need a shady spot for napping and playing) but fair warning — it’s like an oven under there unless you manage to position it just right so the wind comes through the ventilation sides or are right on the water. Learn from my mistakes — don’t just plop down and

This umbrella is great (especially if you have kids who need a shady spot for napping and playing) but fair warning