
I could care less about pence and this figure skater. However, people are allowed to feel what they want. If someone is uncomfortable about homosexuality, why does the left shun these people? Why does the left make people feel guilty because they are uncomfortable with something? I never understood the logic that

Everyone gets to keep more of their own money.

It’s amazing how quickly we can shove our heads in the sand when the target of ire is someone we support politically. This goes for both sides of the aisle. There is a ton of smoke in the Uranium One case. There has to be some fire somewhere. Yet, most of the media is working double time to downplay it.

So it’s not fair to investigate the possible criminal actions of corrupt prior political cartel after a change by the voters in the governing party? That will be welcome news to corrupt politicians all over the world. I’m sure the U.N. will love it as well.

To be fair this has been a thing for much longer than this, it is only just recently that liberal biased media and bloggers have decided to acknowledge it and use it as a tool to rant against Trump.

The raging from the left continues, spewing their hate on every page they can get a hold of...

So much for tolerance and inclusion form the left, huh?

I wanted to post images of a circle jerk and put a picture of gawker media in the center to make an analogous representation of the editors’ collective anti-trump opinions. Fortunately, I’m at work and would probably be fired for GIS’ing “circle jerk.”

Move to the right, and stop trying to justify your flaccid, passive-aggressive need to be the unofficial traffic cop who clogs up the left lane in a pathetic attempt to force others to abide by your interpretation of the rules of the road.