Wednesday Addams' Dance Moves

All of my dreams are coming true

I am a straight woman and I cannot look away

I have this dress in teacups!

Heinous. Burn them all.

The panties tho?!

In university, my floor had a problem with beer thievery from the common room fridge. One guy decided to handle it by peeing into a beer bottle and screwing the cap back on.

You can read just the first four words of this title and immediately know it's a Marticle


He's the type of guy who looks like he's always prepared to flip a table

McKay or Lepine?

It's only partisan because to the Conservatives, women's issues aren't issues.

women could begin picking men for more reasons than simply earning potential, or literally any other reason than "pays the bills" and "doesn't beat you."

But is your tombstone on the moon, that's the real question here.

When my friend got her dog from the shelter his name was Claude, and he would only answer to French commands

THANK YOU. You can see the edges of the clay where it's blended into her forehead.

Ok, so a lot of the comments here are obviously about the logistics of the situation and gun culture, which are obviously very important topics that need to be discussed.

10 points for "The Acropolis Where the Parthenon Is"

When we watched it, everyone in the class simultaneously crossed their legs.

You sound like an awesome roommate!