Wednesday Addams' Dance Moves

I have occasional gallbladder pain and one night decided to try the apple cider vinegar trick. I don't know if it was the 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar, or my reaction to drinking 1/4 of straight apple cider vinegar, but that gallstone must have spontaneously combusted out of fear almost immediately.

Jobs that involve exerting some sort of authority over others attract two types of people - people who genuinely want to do good, and people who want power for the sake of power. See: the military, law enforcement, politics.

Well at least he only lasts in Ancient Egypt for five years

NASA's new plan - put lady butts in space.

It slithered in there to give its opinion on that parquet flooring.

Congrats! (It sucks)

Yes, there is more to it. It's probably based on the Big-Five Inventory, which is a test based on the model that interprets personality as a unique combination of five traits - Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism. You can score high on some traits and low on others. You can take


It's beautiful.

I am deeply upset your name is not included on the list of notable alumni.

I am 10 times more offended by that bucket hat.

I always admire people who so clearly have fun and enjoy their lives and share their adventures with others. Especially the ones who do things that make them happy without giving a shit about what other people think. RIP Mickey.

More than an effect on time, finances, and trust - that's bordering on reproductive abuse. Nobody is entitled to force anyone's hand in terms of their autonomy over their body. Wendy Williams, you have fucked up royally.

I do not flush tampons but I am also confused about what magical piece of plastic people are talking about. The wrapper will fit the applicator in it, but there is no way in hell it will fit a used tampon.

Or around people in general. I say we start a moon colony for awful people and just leave them there.

Why thank you. I would say that it came to me in a dream and it was meant to be, but really I spent hours trying to think of a good one.

One of mine too! And survived!


If you didn't read this in his voice you should be ashamed of yourself.

Vera Wand doesn't need a target market, because she is queen of the bridal world. She could make a video of brides drowning puppies in their own menstrual blood and people would still buy her gowns.