I love Terget Lady.
I love Terget Lady.
This look is very 'prep school Cruella De Vil.'
I take zero selfies but you had better believe that if I was in the Oval Office I would damn well be taking one.
I legitimately had to go reread that sentence once I saw your comment because I read the rest of the article and all preceding comments thinking that Hilary Duff put makeup on her baby or something.
It's very Art Deco Witch
Why are her organs moving around?!?
Think about the people in the horse.
AND bleached brows.
To bastardize Freud, "Sometimes a post is just a post".
I'm willing to forgive it because she's moving around quite a bit and it's hard to sing and dance at the same time.
I want this on my body
The only thing that helps to make this otherwise horrifying article more palatable are the uses of the phrases 'sex activity' and 'sordid lifestyle of raw emotion'.
I hope to god he is a US citizen because we don't want him.
There are so many good ones it's hard to pick, but there was one recently that said "Zack Braff and k.d. lang sharing hair tips".
They're only Harry Potter themed today because the women who run the blog are at the Harry Potter Theme Park (or World, or something) this weekend.
I love this video, but that angel stuff looks like it's from a Sears portrait studio.
To make use of my psychology degree, I believe that the most common things that people look for in potential partners are pretty much the same between men and women. Attractiveness is in the top 5 for both. Except for men it's ranked slightly higher.