You forgot about OUYA.
You forgot about OUYA.
I’m absolutely loving this style. Really inspiring me to finally start that graphic novel.
Spoiler alert: Going, going, and...gone.
I thought they said it was slightly smaller than the XBOX One S. Certainly seems that way, looking at the listed dimensions.
I don’t get the point of any of this hate. They’re trying to live their lives, just like everyone else. The fact that some people aren’t letting them is not right. They’re human too. I doubt “Mrs. Kelly” would like it if they got as much racism, hate, and anger towards her as she’s showing towards other people. I may…
I must say...this concept art is just all amazing. I love his art style. I have to look into his other works. I love this.
I’m on it.
Blaster Master Zero is coming to the Switch March 9th... only $9.99. No-brainer IMO. Loved it on the NES. Can’t wait to “Switch” it to another platform. (I am so, so sorry)
I’ll be playing Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword until Breath of the Wild... maybe a little bit of Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros, since I just fixed my Wii.
They’re both squids
I just found my PS1 this week. I’ll be playing through Tomb Raider (I and II) and maybe a little Army Men (3D and Sarge’s Heroes) if I have the time.
For some reason I can never seem to get the XBOX 360 games for the XBOX One. I keep on getting a message saying “You can’t purchase this title online. Continue on your XBOX.” I am getting it on my XBOX! Anyone know how to fix that?
Well, as the games entirely non-canonical, I'm guessing he didn't.
So is the Walmart one. “Save money. Screw people over.”
Overwatch is a good community. Every time I heal someone, they say thanks... always. And sometimes, just to be better rounded with Overwatch characters, my friends and I enter Competitive Mode with our least played characters. We’re getting better by being worse. Sure, there are a few rare instances where an elitist…
I’ve never heard of Glitched, but now that you bring it to my attention, I’m probably going to play that a lot this weekend. I might try and fit in some Batman Arkham games before I see Suicide Squad (yeah, I know what critics have said, but maybe they’re wrong? BvS was decent in my opinion, so maybe this one will be…
What are your thoughts on the Mini NES? I'm intrigued, but I'm not sure if it's worth the $60, especially because I'm saving up for a new console (possibly the NX)
Why isn’t there lens flares in the game when you play as Abrams? I mean, the most lens flare we got was that tiny one in the gif at the top of the article. LEGO needs to fix this. I want it so that when you choose to play as JJ Abrams, you can’t see anything because there’s too much lens flare. Also, if they ever make…
I never got VR. I feel as if nothing is added to your experience playing the game. You still sit in the same room, the only difference being you can’t see your controller and the “camera” is strapped to your face. The price point for it is outrageous. Most VR headsets are more than $1000! That’s crazy! Now, AR would…