
You forgot about OUYA.

SOLO: A Han Solo Solo Story

I’m absolutely loving this style. Really inspiring me to finally start that graphic novel.

I put as much time and effort into this as Sega does with ensuring their modern Sonic games are actually good. Thanks Internet.

Don’t know why I thought this was a movie, but I’m excited.

Spoiler alert: Going, going, and...gone.

Just go to the official reveal video on BBC America’s YouTube account and scroll. So much hate. So much hate.

On my tiny phone, I thought it was a young Harrison Ford

So you’re saying that the door for this particular death scene is open for spoilers? I guess he’s back to holding the door again.

I thought they said it was slightly smaller than the XBOX One S. Certainly seems that way, looking at the listed dimensions.

Everything. Everything is great about the 80s

I don’t get the point of any of this hate. They’re trying to live their lives, just like everyone else. The fact that some people aren’t letting them is not right. They’re human too. I doubt “Mrs. Kelly” would like it if they got as much racism, hate, and anger towards her as she’s showing towards other people. I may

I must say...this concept art is just all amazing. I love his art style. I have to look into his other works. I love this.

I enjoyed the spin-off show afterwards (Class) a lot...I’m not caught up on Doctor Who yet, so I decided I’ll binge the entirety of Capaldi’s run after this season ends. But Class was great

I’m on it.

Blaster Master Zero is coming to the Switch March 9th... only $9.99. No-brainer IMO. Loved it on the NES. Can’t wait to “Switch” it to another platform. (I am so, so sorry)

Does this mean Jurassic Park is real?

I’ll be playing Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword until Breath of the Wild... maybe a little bit of Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros, since I just fixed my Wii.

They’re both squids

Uh... the Watcher please. Reveal that Stan Lee has been the Watcher in disguise this whole time and the actual Watcher is Peter Dinklage. Still stick with the Stan Lee cameos, but just have a reason for them now.