
I'm starting to think that ConstipatedDuck is a shitck based on defending season 4. Either that, or he's Guarnaschelli or Pie's mom.

I dug this solid, entertaining pizza episode. Todd's right—I can't imagine it making any top 10 lists, but it was good to feel the show breathing with its feet on the ground again. If we get back to a healthy mix of episodes like this, the bigger, more conceptual episodes will pack more of a punch. Now all we need is

I'm torn—the pacing of the first half felt a bit off, but the end was just so, so, so great. I'll go with an A- for now, but that might change upon a second viewing.

Man, I love that episode. If I were a kid, it would totally make me want to eat my broccoli.

I'm wondering if Pierce's ultimate gift to Abed will be his independence…without Troy, maybe Abed will be able to grow a bit more.