Fitting that AP's fortunes would flip on him like a switch.
Holy fuck! It’s way worse than I thought. He lost most of his legs and torso too!
If your sport is fine with knocking someone out cold and then punching him twice in the head while he’s out, congratulations, your sport is garbage.
Despite the popularity of the Richter magnitude, Sabermetric analysts agree that it’s a distraction from more relevant stats, like:
Damage Done =[(Casualties x 8.91) + (Gas fires + Collapsed structures)*1.19] * Presidential tweets / Population who felt it)]
NBA officials initially believed that the falling bricks were seismic in origin, but corrected themselves and were able to shut RJ Barrett down before any further injury to the spectators.
I would say that about 95% of Bears fans are still pissed about it. So, I’m happy he’s not letting that shit go and I hope guys like Hicks and Mack use that anger to rip someone’s arms off and beat them with them in the fucking goddamn preseason. Who are you to discuss this, Samer. How dare you
i prefer an old sweaty baseball glove
ESPN is just so gross and getting grosser. I understand that they’re an entertainment network far more than an organization that practices journalism, but the outright promotion of their desired narratives in the guise of honest sports commentary is an insult to their audience.
I learned something today. I didnt know Hennessy was made with nuts. I’m not allergic but that shit gives me the most awful headaches. So, I shoot tequila like a boss. Lol.
Yet another reason to hate Illinois Nazis.
This is good advice in general.
[Makes note to avoid sports radio and ESPN’s shouting shows next week.]
“...and numbskulls who think Tootsie Juwanna Mann is a documentary.”
Cleveland will be different now that the fishermen are no longer the only ones hauling in sick catches.