Deadspin, two steps below barstool sports yet with less “bro” speak. I’ll take it!
Deadspin, two steps below barstool sports yet with less “bro” speak. I’ll take it!
This is never going to end. Man I’m sorry (white guy) This was a kid, you don’t treat kids this way when you are an adult. All the cop needed to do was walk backwards.
Wear ear plugs.
Tomato wedges on that #2
No! The only thing your hot dogs need are 1. Mustard and relish or 2. Celery salt, relish, onions(1type), dill pickle slice, sport peppers and mustard. Oh and those hot dogs better be Vienna Beef on a poppy seed bun. Anything else maybe a chili cheese dog but that’s a distant 3rd.
Oh my God this story is that long. I’m glad I didn’t read it and wasted time with this reply.
This screams we are tracking you to death.
Somebody check the ball.
You suck the joy out of anything don’t you. Stop it.
I’m no longer living in Chicago, but I’m so happy. Daley was fine for getting things done, but you always felt like it was a family owned business, The other guy was a bust(skyrocketing murders) nothing done. This though is fantastic. I hope she changes Chicago for the better. Chi-Town for life.
Who gives a f%!?*. They won a World Series who hasn’t won one since 1908. It’s rich peoples money and we all know that the rich just get richer.
The Cubs have begun to price people out. They have so many “insert brand” seating here and there. Sitting in the bleachers for the low low price of 59 bucks for a cheap day crappy team weekday day game has been brutal. It’s sad, but it’s the norm now.
Sweet sweet justice.
I’m glad this happened just to make everyone on deadspin hate this. LOL
What about Okurrr or Okurrrrr? Can I TM those?
Well I’m glad this is now possible. Chose Life.
No, no. myrrh is not a bad thing.
Is this going to be a sampling type of lawsuit or this a full on quit copping type of lawsuit?
I watched this and WF didn’t deserve that second shot. They shot a damn 3 with 5 seconds left first.
I miss Chicago and it’s great journalist.