Zeo makes a portable version that sounds like the same concept as Lark. It's got an Android app to go with it. I've been looking at the portable as well as the more stationary version of Zeo
Zeo makes a portable version that sounds like the same concept as Lark. It's got an Android app to go with it. I've been looking at the portable as well as the more stationary version of Zeo
This question isn't workout related but general health related but I was looking at the Zeo Sleep Manager. Anybody have one? If so, what do you think? Is it worth the $99. What are the biggest benefits you've seen from using it.
given that they can't prosecute him, I'll settle for him taking the easy way out.
c'mon. lighten up. it's not like he shit in the kid's glove or anything?
i loathe 'low hanging fruit'
please tell me upcycle is a joke and not a term that's being pushed to replace recycle.
does anybody know how they configured the screenshots? is that a theme? I'd love to get that on my touchpad. haven't had a chance to mess around with it but thought I'd check to see if anyone else figured it out yet. thanks.
it's really subjective. I prefer LauncherPro but ADW is included with most of the custom ROMS. I've used them both pretty extensively and I don't see a big difference between them. Some say LP is faster but I really don't see a difference. Having said that, I recently switched over to GO Launcher EX and I think I…
Yes, I agree they make non-pregnant women look pregnant because a lot of maternity clothes have that high waist. I'm still amazed that people are that bold to ask. I guess those are the same people that always felt free to put their hands on my wife's pregnant belly. Like it was somehow community property.
I can't tell you the number of people that have come up to my wife and asked her if she's pregnant when she's clearly not. and it's always women. they should know better than that.
It seems everyone was quick to run down the pro-life \ pro-choice path, but I find the whole premise of the article fucking absurd. Siri has an agenda? A bug, some missing logic...likely. An agenda...get real.
I use Google Voice but it's far from the best text replacement. I prefer Handcent myself.
yeah, i guess that makes sense. if you're not out for extended period of time then the likelihood of serious dehydration is probably low and the above advice would be sufficient.
I've always heard that you need to drink before you're thirsty because by the time you're thirsty it's too late and your body is already dehydrated. color me confused.
ok, so i tried MIUI again but this time on my Nexus S and using LauncherPro I do like it much better. It's really fast which is not the same experience i had last time. I'll probably keep it awhile but I'm eagerly anticipating ICS and will unroot to get it.
That's not true. Plex will run on the Roku and allows you to stream your pc based meda to it.
it's OK. I liked some aspects of MIUI when I tried it awhile ago but I don't like the lack of a launcher or ability to hide apps (unless that's available now). I also didn't find it as intuitive as I had hoped and I experienced some definite performance lags.
well put. acknowledge what his vision brought to the tech world and mourn the passing of a life ended too soon, but keep it in perspective is the key message.
@hntergren \ @Annual \ @snark_attack \ @theenemysgateisdown - well that was a pleasant surprise. I came back thinking I'd be attacked for being insensitive or out of touch, so if that does happen at least I know I won't be alone. Cheers. :-)
Oh stop this, please. Steve's death was very sad, but not totally unexpected. I don't get how people can say they didn't believe the story or were shocked. The man was dying of pancreatic cancer!