Utilizar órganos y tejidos de cerdos para salvar vidas humanas. Es algo que médicos y científicos llevan…
Utilizar órganos y tejidos de cerdos para salvar vidas humanas. Es algo que médicos y científicos llevan…
First she was a singer, then she went on to be a dancer, a holographic performer, and even the star of her own game…
If you know a Sharks fan, hug them—unless you're a Kings fan. San Jose lost to Los Angeles 5-1 in Game 7 to…
Erich Vasburg is a freelancer German concept artist who not only works in games but also does stuff for card games,…
Watch Dogs is finally arriving next month, after what seems like 65 years (give or take) of hype, delays, doubts,…
Earlier this week, Square Enix boss Yosuke Matsuda said some things that left a whole lot of RPG fans scratching…