
@meatbag_pussrocket: or the classic wake-n-bake, i love the wake-n-bake, in fact im waking and what? what was i saying?

@Arkymedes: As far as i know the iPhone was pretty much the first widespread use of a cell phone that had such a large screen, most others followed...

@ClemyNX: Wow... this whole time i was reading it i thought it was "Dragontail", i guess my mind just figured that's what it shoulda been named anyway or something...

@Nitesh!: I remember reading about this issue earlier. It was something about it being susceptible to sand sliding around in your pocket because of the tiny gem/glass-like pieces that make it up being harder then the iphone glass, thus leaving scratches. Stuff like keys, knives, etc shouldn't be a problem at all

@StyxaT: Maybe the coating is only on one side, the inside of the phone or something?

@Garybaldy: You're wearing a tin foil hat right now aren't you? ;)

@CaptainJack: "This paranoid rant brought to you by jetlag and my lack of sleep" -Pfft sure... just remember it's puff puff pass not puff puff puff?

@aec007: The whole movie i was wondering what they did if the swell reached over their max lift. Guess that answers that... Crash. lol

@ndspanky13: they are too small for his mouth/face... its kinda freaking me out! Like someone made a robot and messed up on that part... google android?

@tomsomething: His hand looks raised to "smack that ass".

@lucasway89: "However, it is possible to use the headphone jack for two-way data communication with an iPhone and also to power small electronic circuits."

@rev02: can i be that hippy? sounds like the perfect job for me, smoke all day and make stuff up...

@zentdiam: The judges are reviewing different cases, they don't know who else is reviewing the same case so they cant really gang up like that.

Do they deliver pizza?

@Jackson the Narcisisst: My thoughts exactly, i really couldn't agreee with you more. The whole time i was reading it i kept wondering what the hell he was suppose to of done wrong to get this kinda treatment.

@CUL8R: You could always use one. ;) jk