
So this whole flowchart is the artist whining like a little (Expletive Deleted)? Seams kinda overkill to me, in fact i kinda feel like stealing this image myself...

@aelver: Don't? I think one of the best things about a window mount is you can still see the road out of your peripheral vision, not so if your staring way down at your phone trying to use the gps or something...

While I'm having to guess a lot of info because of this confusing/poorly written article, it still seams to be a good story.

a tv is only as smart as who is using it.

I had no idea japan gets that much snow... that's crazy...

Gotta give some props to the guy with the crossbow though...

@Tony C: lol i could easily 'see' house wielding one of these...

I will never forget going through NBC training in basic and getting told that if a nuke goes off 'nearby' then to lay down with my helmet facing until it was over. Then to get up and "dust off the radioactive ash" before moving on... i would think if you have to dust off radioactive ash your pretty much screwed...

@Symon: Ya, but if he DIDN'T get caught then he just wasted all that weed ;)

@YosefLevi: If they would have followed him on the ground the stoner kid on the bike might have out run them!

@Maximillian: or you could have sent the email after the game... sort of like icing on the sweet sweet revenge cake.

@Sukebe: That's why i just walk around with my AK, less ambiguity that way, unless i put sunglasses on it for a disguise that is.

@DS: Oh god... you just had to bring that up... I was trying to block it out.

@kaffenated: "Where is the secret spy condom?"