Eric H

And yet you get them from people who say they are tolerant of all viewpoints but are just like those on the right who gravitate towards those with similar beliefs (albeit with more intellectual gloating over the other side.)

POI is far from mediocre TV as it seems your bias against anything on CBS is coloring your opinion.

While there are some shows that you can tell if they're good or not a few episodes in, I'd say most shows take a at least a quarter or half a season to know if you're going to like it. The thing with POI is I got hooked within the first month of episodes.

Same thoughts I had while skimming the few paragraphs I read.

You wouldn't as that's exactly what another writer said about the article and what I got just from skimming only a few paragraphs.

Or how being a celebrity makes someone look smarter than they really are about a subject they don't actually understand.

Then you didn't stick around long enough to let it get good.

Someone asked him about POI so he gave his best answer to the question. When and where the show comes back is not in his hands as only CBS can determine those. Since CBS doesn't have their TCA panel until Tuesday, I doubt we get any clear answers until then.

For whatever reasons, CBS went out of its way to sort of kill the show off by changing its timeslot, messing with its streaming options, spacing out new episodes at weird intervals, and stopping a lot of advertising for it.

It's not just CBS who are doing this as you see it happening on ABC, NBC, and FOX. Hate that this is happening because some really good shows are getting canceled all because of who owns them.

CBS really screwed up by trying to get another hour of comedy on Thursday leading out of TBBT. All they ended up with were middling or canceled comedies that eventually made them go for Thursday Night Football for the quick cash.

That's why I think they went too hard into the Samaritan storyline too soon. I really thought the Samaritan storyline should have been the ender for the show instead in the middle of Nolan/Plageman's planned 7 seasons. The way Samaritan/Decima got so powerful so quick is something that makes it feel like it should

Of the shows you mentioned, I only watched The Shield. I don't watch all the other shows that consistently get raved about because I made a decision not to spend loads of money on cable/satellite/VOD so I wouldn't feel obligated to watch everything that gets high critical reviews and spend loads of free time better

I like to believe that Adam is just a slightly unreliable narrator who doesn't feel the need to put things in correct chronological order.

I think we probably will.

They can't even find good storylines for the adults so I'm not surprised the kids are getting shorted as well. MF has become a shell of its former self.

This season just hasn't been able to string together many strong episodes in a row like they used to because I think they're starting to run out of compelling storylines that work in all the characters and give them equal growth. I find some episodes where I hardly laugh because its either completely unfunny or

I think people bash it because of how same-old, same-old some of the cases can get while the show barely moving towards an overarching, serialized narrative seen in many of the more critically-acclaimed shows. The show tends to take a more middle of the road approach to just about every topic it deals with and

I'm 30 and have been watching it ever since it started. I tailed off a bit when I was in college but picked it right back up once things got less busy. The show may not be the most thought provoking or creative thing on TV but watching it just gives me a comfortable feeling because of how long the characters I've

Not to mention Blue Bloods being a reliable hit for them at 10 PM.