Eric H

Nolan and Plageman are having discussions still with CBS but the cancellation writing is kind of on the wall since CBS receives nothing from that show in syndication. That's a big reason why they'd rather renew their own shows versus those from WB or ABC Studios if shows are on the chopping block.

It was dead the moment it got put on Fox. Fox gets lucky on a couple dramas here and there but their track record with comedies is abysmal.

MASH was in a similar boat to those as well. It faced cancellation after it's first season but it got a better timeslot and ended up being one of the best TV shows ever.

I think she explained why the crystals were dangerous to non-Inhumans in either episode 19 or 20 so if you missed those episodes or that explanation, it could get a bit murky.

But it wasn't the Terrigen Mist that was causing normal humans to die; it was the Diviner metal lodged within in the Terrigen crystals that was lethal when dropped or impacted.

Actually they wouldn't. The Terrigen Mist itself is not harmful to normal humans; it's the Diviner metal that causes the disintegration. Since the crystals dissolved in water, the metal likely dropped into the seabed and only the Mist was released into the fish and water.

They did indeed suggest it was CBS making them do full seasons when they'd be perfectly fine doing shorter runs.

It really wasn't feasible for them to keep Shaw because Shahi was pregnant and said she then didn't want Shaw to then be shackled to a desk to cover up her prenancy and lose the essence of the character. She said she'd like to return after taking care of her twins for a year or two but that timeline may look a bit

I agree that some filler was needed because going straight story would never have allowed the characters' personalities and backstories be as fleshed out as they've been. I do think that several problems with show as of late were: the loss of Shahi/Henson, too much focus on the AI battle, little human-to-human

POI Seasons 1-3 are going to show up on Netflix this fall but they would have shown up sooner (Fall 2014) had CBS not drug its feet in completing a VOD deal, which went against what JJ Abrams and Nolan/Plageman had wanted for the series. POI did sign a deal with WGN America back in 2013 to air all the shows starting

You're right to be since CBS is not known to give short season orders another one. This is going to be just like The Mentalist's final season.

I agree. I think a final 13-episode season will severely clip whatever vision that Nolan/Plagmeman had for POI. They will either have to severely condense everything to fit or they'll try to sell the show to someone else so they can at least get another 13-15 episodes to finish off the series without rushing the

Same here. When Floyd was reading the fax that had been sent, I was kind of wondering what it all meant, but once they flashed to John and acknowledged it, that's when I knew John was about to go off on everyone. Then him going God Mode on all the Samaritan thugs at the end was a real highlight as he's not really

Okay, so add her to the list as well. Caleb is supposed to show up again, which means he's a candidate as well.

Bennett did indeed do that whole scene in one take as Clark Gregg was on Twitter saying how proud he was of her for doing that scene herself instead of using a stunt double.

Based on CBS' press release for the finale, the actress who plays Brooks isn't listed so I don't she'll be one of those killed.

Dang, forgot to add him to that total. So that means 4 more deaths in the finale. I doubt they kill off another main cast member so you have to think Control may bite it, with other possibilities being Greer, Elias, Dominic, Grice, Iris, and Harper.

For the final 2 episodes, Nolan and Plageman said they had to make 6 of their customary calls to recurring/starring actors who were about to be killed off. So far, we've gotten 1 so there are 5 more to go.

Exactly my feelings as well. I came on here fully expecting at least an A- grade and was shocked to see only a B+. I would have given it a B+ just for the Martine neck snap and Elias burning Dominic once again but adding in the rest of the interconnected plot stuff would push it into A territory.

POI's writer never fail to create a good setup for the season finale that has us guessing what crazy thing will happen in the finale. All the different callbacks to various episodes this season was much needed to tie everything together. Have to say the best parts were definitely Root going all calm psycho on