
I wouldn’t recommend trying this at all even if you wanted to piss your tow guy off! But I can imagine that situations like this are a huge deal for the towing company and it speaks of the skill level that the team has if they are able to show up and retrieve your car literally from the brink of destruction!

I absolutely agree that you might be able to snag a car in a higher segment than you’d expect if you buy used! If you are lucky and looking for a car at the right time, you might find someone letting go of a car for a steal because perhaps it doesn’t suit them or they are moving out of the country. Doesn’t hurt to

I would love to get a first person’s perspective of the Ford GT. I personally love sports and racing cars that come in white. Something about the purity of the lines and all that. But I can only imagine how many other people out there have that same idea about seeing this lovely car in person haha! Any idea when this

I think that it’s really important to do all the research that you can before you embark on making a decision on a big ticket item. Not just about the car in terms of what model to get, but the reviews of the seller or dealership. Of course you’ll need to look at the prices and research car finance rates too if you

Aren’t most movies these days car commercials? Like hello, James Bond, Batman even and I bet every other movie is an opportunity for product placement from the locations to the food and beverage! Which is precisely why they have such high budgets for producing all of this sort of thing isn’t it?

I don’t think you should screw a salesman, you still want his help after you’ve bought the car just in case you need to do a claim on your comprehensive car insurance or get some help at the workshop, but you should definitely be objective when it comes to prices and paying for your car. If you want a deal, do your

I’m sure that there is some form of clause that ensures your roommate has to give you ample amount of notice before he bails on you right? And if he’s really a good friend, he’d make sure that he tells you as advanced as possible! Whoever still remains in the house needs to man up and re-split the bills.

This is really sad news, but I really don’t see why Mazda wouldn’t want to capitalise on a big potential market here since there are so many people who are obviously waiting for the remake. But then again, we’re all adults now and should be able to afford more “mature” vehicles from other big boy brands. So there,

Why are cars even still coming with CD slots these days? Someone had better start telling all those manufacturing factories that they could be saving a whole lot of money on those components by upgrading to a touch screen and USB connection point instead! I know these are already available, but there are still quite a

Why are cars even still coming with CD slots these days? Someone had better start telling all those manufacturing

What does it matter whether owners are dumb or not. And what stipulates a dumb owner anyway? Someone who splurges on a whole bunch of options which they don’t need? I’d say those people are rich, and you can’t be that dumb if you have money!

You should always keep a copy of your car registration and insurance on hand in the dashboard and of course your driver’s license in your wallet. It not only serves as identification but if something really does happen to you, you’re going to want to show proof of your comprehensive insurance coverage to all the other

If you’re looking for insurance and warranties comparisons then you should find a good broker. I think that brokers are able to give you a pretty good quote off the regular rate simply because they have their commissions portion to play with. Of course not all insurance brokers or car financing agents will give you

If you’re looking for insurance and warranties comparisons then you should find a good broker. I think that brokers are able to give you a pretty good quote off the regular rate simply because they have their commissions portion to play with. Of course not all insurance brokers or car financing agents will give you