Are you not familiar with that is how Tom Hiddleston talks. Excessively polite, effusive, British. Should he release his long form birth certificate? Take off the tin foil hat-they fuckin and they happy.
He's attracted to her and wants to fuck her, this is not confusing.
After I posted this I saw that someone had posted the longer video that has both the cute Spiderman boy and this sweet girl. But this a short one that just shows the little girl and from a different angle.
Um, that's cute and all but watch this one to the end to see the little girl. Ovaries go boom.
The only thing that will kill us faster is this constant use of goddamned portrait mode.
THANK YOU for introducing me to this. Least Productive Friday EVAR (but also grinned like a loon the entire time, so win-win :) )
You're right, but man those 4-6 months would be worth it. Totally. Worth. It.
I really do like him, just for the fact that he's very down to earth and modest about his success but I can't help feel sorry for him at the same time because the inevitable backlash will be strong with this one.
This gif is not about dancing....
Jesus Woman are you trying to kill us...