Speccing out an AWD X5 with Executive pack gets you to about $65k. Not that far off for a decently equipped BMW. Does that include every bell and whistle that the Kia does? Maybe not, but it’s still a fair comparison.
Speccing out an AWD X5 with Executive pack gets you to about $65k. Not that far off for a decently equipped BMW. Does that include every bell and whistle that the Kia does? Maybe not, but it’s still a fair comparison.
I can’t imagine anyone is actually paying that - $60k puts it in X5 territory. Is a Kia really better than a BMW?
Careful. That kind of talk is what has made me perma-gray.
Or bears? I mean, bears don’t usually steal batting machines or use crowbars, but maybe there’s another explanation for that.
In my heavier-drinking days of my early to mid-20's, I often sought out Arizona Green Tea with Ginseng and Honey as a hangover cure. A tall can of that and two aspirin usually did the trick. A hard version... well that might just be the ultimate Hair of the Dog for me.
I’m not falling for this carefully constructed “rehabilitation” of Paris Hilton. She is not someone who needs to make a comeback.
I cook sauté kale with a little garlic and roasted pepper flakes, and I also make a kale salad with cranberries and toasted almonds with a lemon vinaigrette. The key to kale salad is to massage the kale first in a plastic bag with a little olive oil, which softens it up so it’s tender enough for a salad...
...and if the resulting mix lacks enough fizz, add some soda water to it.
I made chimichurri with flank steak just last night! I used the food processor because I actually like the smoother sauce. I have no shame in that.
God drives those who drive themselves.
Great article. I was in Watkins Glen a few months ago, not for the track but for the hiking in the surrounding state parks. Nice town.
I’m confused by this “commute” of 200+ miles. It doesn’t sound like it’s a daily thing if it’s just to see his parents, so I think the eating of 52k/year is probably high. That said, the idea that anything would depreciate so little over five years (notwithstanding M Streeter’s clever math) is unrealistic.
1) it’s not 2011 so stop using “because reasons” and similar titles
I live in a fifth floor walk up and even I want one. I have about 50 sq ft of roof garden so I’m sure I can find a use for this.
A patent wouldn’t be for a name - that’s a trademark. And it would be rejected because a k-turn already exists (even tho it’s different).
The only range that matters is the quarter mile.
Ok here’s the scenario; you’re eating at a fancy restaurant and you’ve ordered the rib-eye for everyone at the table. You had to pre-pay because this a hundred dollar per person piece of meat. Your wife is there. Your boss is there. Your most important client is there. Just as the rib-eye comes to the table, Gordon…
Guido Sarducci - nice reference!
Again, I have no knowledge of this case beyond what’s in the article, but it’s certainly possible that GR’s company did things that were outside the scope of their arrangement with the hotel. Did they overstay their agreed time? Did they use parts of the kitchen or beach they weren’t supposed to? Did they leave it a…