Weasel Teeth

I want to rip my ears off whenever Alex Trebek says “genre”. I know it’s probably correct, but it just sounds wrong.

I always thought the hail of gunfire you hear outside was Pink meeting his end, but it has been a long time since I watched it. Either way, I was mostly just referring to the stand-off in the warehouse.

I can hear him saying, “I’m gunna __________________, by god, or mah name ain’t Briscoe Cain”!

I like your step-by-step example of how it could, one day, come to pass. But, I have a feeling we WILL have already shot each other to death by then. Like the end of Reservoir Dogs - one big bang and everyone falls dead.

Bevin and his ghouls love to show AOC, Warren, and Sanders screaming in their ads.  One ad even brings up the fact that Clinton lost.  Around here, we call Bevin, “That Asshole in Frankfort”.

I half expected them to suggest putting the homeless to work in these warehouses. Maybe making ammunition for the military, or something.


Now, I’m thinking the same thing. I switched last year from a 6 to a X and now my wife’s 6 is about to croak. After seeing the camera stuff, I wonder if she’d like my “old” X...



Imagine if he was as competent as he thinks he is...ugh.

Heh, that took me a second.

One good sneeze in that interior and I would have to have it professionally detailed.

Yeah, my only problem with AOC’s tweet is the “have likely”. I think she should have used “might have”. But yeah, Crenshaw makes it sound like the reason his friends don’t have guns of their own, is because they can’t pass a background check.

You’ve got to plan for something dumb to happen.

I assume this logo is already being printed on hats (made in China), and maybe arm bands (also made in China).

Usually, yes the outgoing models drop about $100. Last year I had a 6, and the day after the event, I went to an AT&T store and got a X for $900.

My small glass of red wine usually comes with a convenient cork or stopper in the top to prevent spillage in between sips. Occasionally, it comes with an even more convenient screw-top instead.

Yeah, that caught my eye as well.  “I just think it would be disloyal to my followers!”  My FOLLOWERS.

Another +1 for the word, wastrel.  That’s one of my favorites.