
Really sorry gwahir.
Grief is a more complex process than people generally realise. The kind of traditional tv version where the sadness is at its worst at the start and then fades is very inaccurate; it's a weirder longer stranger process than that.

Thousand of young people shouting along to every word so loudly that you couldn’t hear the band.”

Plus, the environment! I second everything you said. I love my moon cup, it's been years for me too.

Hm. I liked this a little better than the review, whilst seeing the issue with the tone. I did find it absorbing and affecting, and for me that was the important thing. Audiard is great, but I think I prefer Read My Lips to the more recent films. AProphet and Rust and Bone maybe suffered from similar issues, whilst

Maybe cos Ianucci left?
It'llbe interesting to see how hte show is without him.

It was good cheesy. It's visually appealing and there's humour and the leads (and a lot of the supporting cast) are really good in it. It's not Tarkovsky but it's fun and enjoyable.

Well I loathe him and love her, so not 100%. I think her films are much smarter and kinder than his.

No, it's about how if women are told that a perfectly normal size is plus size, it encourages perfectly normal people to think that they need to lose weight when they don't. And where does it leave people who are actually bigger than normal? What label can they have?

Where I used to work we had a whole bunch of Jess Franco movies, including Ilsa, come through because Anchor Bay was releasing them on DVD. I remember them relatively fondly for some reason, there's something about sitting through loads of this type of thing that lets you appreciate them more, you get into the spirit

I go to the cinema on my own several times a week!

Not as such. The book makes it much clearer what's going on and why.

yes another reason why that was such a stupid decision they made for AoU.

Agents of SHIELD is good now though, and he could potentially make it even better.

and Pizza Dog.

I promise you, no fat person needs or wants to be patronised the way the writer of that awful thing did. Sorry but it still enrages me. Even the actual fatty being judged there wrote a rebuttal.

Given how consistently smart, exciting and well written PoI is- it's most definitely one of the best things on tv- I can only be amazed it had five seasons instead of being ripped away the moment it became more than a standard procedural. Still, I'm saddened.

I mentioned Arrow's hood earlier but I also can't stand the way they dress Felicity. All those horrible tight dresses with inappropriate bits cut out. I think it's meant to say both 'business professional' and 'sexy!' but in fact achieves neither.

It's Arrow's hood that really winds me up. If I put up the hood on my raincoat I have no peripheral vision! And a loose hood like that will flop back down if you move an inch or there's a gust of wind. They must tape it to the top of his head.

Yeah I don't understand why the article says this doesn't happen naturally. The weight of the length is exactly what means it does.
Mine's really curly and also really long and obviously each curl gets more spirally at the end.

I just don't get why eg Supergirl doesn't tie her hair back. I know it looks lovely but it's so impractical!