As a dev, I will tell you the true feelings of a lot of developers is “wow, if I didn’t know so many talented trans people, my game would never get finished.” I mean, I’m currently running about 20 different tools in my pipeline developed by trans devs. Most teams I know have a trans person working in a major role,…
They’re masterworks, all. You can’t go wrong.
look at all these triggered grays lmao. i dunno about marx and engels, but making these halfwits angry about things they’ll never actually research? that is a social revolution I’ll take part in
Lol shut the fuck up dumbass boomer
Thank you sir, for being the perfect example of everything wrong with the internet and the modern general populace. I shall refer back to this whenever I have any doubt.
One day I hope to be as funny as you!
YEAH looking at it not on my tiny phone whcih had the brightness all the way down, its clearly the flag. godspeed.
And as pointed out in the article, *everyone* in the game treats trans as an oddity at best and gross at worst. It’s not *just* the dipshit protagonist (who, btw, is supposedly experiencing personal growth by the end but SHOCKER has no enlightened words for Rin).
Great article, for sure. This isn’t directed at you, this is more directed at kotaku’s reader base in general, and i hope a lot of people take the time to read this. Almost every time i read an article on this site about trans people, it tends to be about a certain game depicting a trans person in a negative manner.…
The biggest fallacy here is that you come in with a biased position (all transgender issues are just mentally ill people mutilating healthy bodies) and insist yours is the only balanced, objective, fair, neutral, blah blah blah opinion.
I’ve played both of these in the past couple of years and didn’t really find cutscenes or encounters to be a huge deal. I feel like we’ve just been spoiled and conditioned to want things as fast as possible, and while some QOL changes wouldn't be a bad thing for these or other games, they're not anywhere near as…
“Sadly, the HD remakes of Grandia and its sequel include nothing of the sort. Outside of the enhanced visuals, there are no useful quality-of-life features, which may make both games near-unplayable for those of us who might want to play (or replay) them but don’t have the patience to spend dozens of hours mashing the…
Here’s the thing. To you, it’s minor. It’s nothing.
To me... It’s Tuesday.
That’s the problem with micro aggressions or kind of offensive jokes like this one. They build up. They’re constant for those of us it affects and only occasional for those it doesn’t.
As I said before... in a vacuum it wouldn’t matter. In a…