Weary World

There’s a very high burnout rate among SANE nurses as well. Victim advocates don’t usually last more than a few years. It’s an incredibly stressful and emotionally draining position. Don’t get me wrong, it’s certainly worthwhile and it’s very necessary, but the nurses and advocates need more support during the job as

I think that is a perfectly reasonable request to make of someone’s appearance because it affects their ability to do their job.

I agree with you.

Lol that was the best part for me. It’s always a good sign of being naturally funny when you have to point out the fact that you’re making a joke, right?

Having been in the communications field for a couple of decades (or more), I can honestly say she looks perfectly fine for what she does - spokesperson for a high-ranking public official (in this case, the POTUS). You want fever dreams? Take a look at the women on the OAN network - they dive into Tammy Faye-levels of

He also has that “does not go down on women” look; and the “but I want you to suck me off” look. That Republican look. Fact.

Not that it matters, as Sanders’ job performance is not hindered or bolstered by her makeup (especially not now that so many of the briefings are done off camera), but I think she looks better in the pictures taken from earlier in the week than in the one on Friday. I mean I guess the styled hair looks nice, but the

You know that the every athlete that is training for the Olympics comment was meant to remind her to go to the gym every day now.

Also: there is no amount of hair and makeup that is going to make Sarah Huckabee Sanders good at her job. She doesn’t need to look pretty to do a job that is basically just lying. That she only got because... Republican nepotism.

I have had men on the street tell me I’d be “perfect” if I toned up/lost 15 pounds. They always couch it in the context of health/fitness advice, so it’s meant to seem like a compliment.

Call me paranoid but he looks like he is about to turn slightly and give her a cheery pat on the rump in that picture and it makes me ragey.

Love when the guy who looks like the love child of the 80's and a venereal disease hands out fashion tips.

Okay, then, let’s do this. No more political correctness. Let’s honor the man as he truly deserves to be honored, as a fully equal human being subject to the very same rules as everybody else.

My wife’s theory for the last few weeks has been that the off-camera press briefings started because Trump didn’t like how Sanders looked on camera.

Oh man, you just know he told her to lose weight (behind close doors) or else...

It is so infuriating when a man tells you what you should wear and not to wear, how you should do your hair or why you should wear makeup or why you should smile more, there is no week where a man offers me free unsolicited styling recommendations.

Don’t make comments that can be interpreted as being about a woman’s appearance. Period.

I have a pretty good suggestion for how Sanders could improve but it would involve growing a soul so that’s not happening.

That’s terrible. Even in non-urban environments, there’s still risk. My grandmother lost three of her indoor/outdoor cats to coyotes. After the last one died, she couldn’t bare to get another and go through the loss.

I learned that lesson real quick. I mean, real quick.