Weary World

Gee, I wonder if the dude who she had sex with was banned as well?

I do fieldwork in the Canadian Arctic and Subarctic, where bears (black/brown/grizzly/polar, depending on where you are) are something you have to think about.

I also wonder how they were able to determine that she was “about” to menstruate. Did they have such advanced medical ability in 1967? Or did she happen to have packed some pads or tampons? Maybe the woman just liked to be prepared? But yes - I would love for these same people who pushed that hypothesis to elaborate

Bear spray also works on people and while its not legal in some states I doubt you would get a ticket for it while hiking.

if this was a real issue.. we wouldn’t of survived before civilization came about and just got killed off in the wild.. anyone who believes otherwise isn’t thinking rationally..

This illustration is magnificent!

finally stop fetishsizing female gamers. 

Same. I mean, I still do but only with my pepper spray within reach and my dog (who won’t be much help, but I feel much safer with her than alone). My dog is currently on holiday with my parents but I went on a little hike yesterday, by myself as usual and encountered a really creepy guy who kept staring at my boobs

Thanks for this article, it was a really refreshing read. As a female gamer, I’ve struggled with this mentality before, (mainly in middle/high school) and it’s a crappy thing to feel. Especially when another female played more “hardcore”(CoD and other FPS) games than I did (I mostly play JRPGs). Hopefully in the years

Was present for a graduate professor telling a classroom full of people this was real. When I corrected him privately, he told me I didn’t know what I was talking about, and when I pointed him to the flawed studies, the NPS response to the attack mentioned, and the context of the NPS trying to slow the push of women

I basically live on a mountain in Washington with tons of wildlife, bears included. I am far more fearful of being attacked men when I am out hiking or running than bears.

Fuck bears. I no longer hike because of the danger from men.

I want to add that the patriarchal oppression of menstruating women is not the sole purview of white culture. I am a native woman and do not practice my tribe’s religion specifically because there is a huge constraint regarding periods. It’s infuriating and offensive to me but it’s still pushed as a ‘tradition’.

From the description of events it sounds like “people who were able to get out of their bags and tents and climb up trees were spared. People who didn’t escape got attacked and killed.”

One woman was menstruating, the other wasn’t - correct? Wouldn’t this right here debunk the theory, menstruation wasn’t a variable in why they were killed if both a menstruating woman and a non were killed?

Discovering whether the Hunt County DA is going to go to bat for the office intern against the sheriff of a city in the same County might be a learning experience for the aspiring prosecutor, Pageant Queen.

Just another bad apple I suppose:

This whole story is just so heartbreakingly stupid. The morons over at 4Chan and Reddit who are keeping the story alive are the same idiots who thought they could “solve” the Boston Bombing or offer “proof” on the Podesta pizzagate with hilariously wrong results. I hate myself for keeping tabs on these morons, but not

Here is hoping that Sean Hannity is the next to go from Fox News. The President of the United States believes every crackpot conspiracy theory that Hannity postulates. So this shit is getting dangerous.

The article was not initially subjected to the high degree of editorial scrutiny we require for all our reporting.