“left spluttering”...
“left spluttering”...
McMaster, being on active duty, did not have the option of declining an order from the president and continuing in his previous role, though. He could put in his papers earlier than he meant to, or he could take a big bite of that... um, bullet. Doesn’t really give us any indication of whether he thought he could…
Vice Admiral Harward turned down the job, calling it a “shit sandwich.” He knew that his biggest adversaries would be Trump’s fragile ego and Bannon’s dumb ideas. McMaster probably thought he could float above all that.
Just more proof that Trump isn’t the “amazing business leader” so many people give him credit for. I’ve said for a long time that starting with a bunch of money and dealing in Real Estate speculation doesn’t make you a business virtuoso — it usually just means you have good timing (or often not, based on all the…
It seems reasonable to assume that when he said “I know more than the generals” he was basing that on Flynn. The fact he can’t say that with any credibility about McMaster is no doubt annoying (although of course lack of credibility hasn’t hampered him in the past).
Scientist 1: “That stuff gives people cancer.”
Ok. So from a conservative/pro-business perspective, I can understand appointing 1 or 2 industry reps to serve on the advisory board, where they would work alongside scientists and policy experts from the EPA. I would oblige a conservative executive branch that; it’s reasonable. But this horseshit is fucking criminal.…
Pruitt’s chief of staff Ryan Jackson told the Post that members could reapply for their positions. “I’m not quite sure why some EPA career staff simply get angry by us opening up the process,” he said. “It seems unprofessional to me.”
I hope they sue all those models too. I want all these POS to be made responsible for this, especially that little fratboy who orchestrated the whole thing. I don’t care if he scammed rich kids, he scammed people in the end. Finish him. It’s not like some random Instagram models were advertising the festival. It was…
Before ACA, my dad had lung cancer. He was convinced he was going to die so he decided not to treat and leave my mom in horrible debt. He died in the middle of the night after not being able to move off the couch for three weeks. No pain meds. No hospital stay. Nothing but my mom sleeping on the other couch watching…
I personally know about a guy who didn’t have insurance because my stupid state didn’t expand Medicaid. He ignored the signs of being pretty sick because his only option was the ER and he’d already been there a lot recently and couldn’t afford it.
As GOP reps are called on to defend their votes (especially after the CBO scores the bill), I’ll bet this is not even close to the worst we hear from them. They fucked up because they needed a “win”, and now they’re going to flail about trying to explain it.
Of course you equate excellence with being caucasian...
Look, basically nothing else in my life is going right at this moment but I continue to feel thoroughly vindicated about the fact that I have never liked Johnny Depp. He’s a bad actor and people should stop paying him to do the same exact character in every single goddamned movie.
Wendy’s twice in two days?
and his former managers at The Management Group
It is a disservice to sound engineers that Depp’s prompter is referred to as a sound engineer, or that a qualified sound engineer was paid to whisper Depp’s lines to him. Either way, see ya, Johnny.
I need to hear more about this blue water you speak of....