Weary World
noun nui·sance \ˈnü-sən(t)s, ˈnyü-\
an annoying or troublesome person, thing, or situation

Maybe if the players in the justice system in these instances did their jobs, there wouldn’t need to BE a second call, because the abuser would have been dealt with after the first one. How about that?

Have fun with the ACLU on this one, police, because it sure as hell doesn’t sound like you had a warrant for those illegal searches. (Oh excuse me, “consented to” searches. Right. Absolutely.)

I have a feeling the cheerleaders probably felt pretty pressures to hand over their phones regardless of not having a warrant bc 1) they are cops asking you to do a thing, 2) they are young, and 3) they may have been afraid of being kicked off the team if they didn’t cooperate.

What kind of heinous shit would a decent college football team have to do, for this to happen on the same scale?

someone sent an anonymous letter to the president of the university alleging that the team was involved in a prostitution ring,

Ah yes, having to hand your cell phone over to the police because some crazy troll mailed a letter. This is truly a great country.

Way to be aggressive, be aggressive, b-e a-gg-r-e-ss-i-v-e, CCU administrators.

Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.

You don’t, necessarily, on the individual level.

Not totally on topic but related, this study shows that when gender quotas are imposed, it works to remove mediocre males overall from power, thus improving the quality of men in power as well as giving women a seat at the table. Death to the mediocre male. Theory is that mediocre males surround themselves with other

Generally, men are four times as likely to ask for a raise, and when women ask, they seek 30 percent less on average.

My favorite part of the top illustration is that the beast has specially made cloven hoof slippers!

My favorite retelling is in Tanith Lee’s short story collection Red as Blood: Tales From the Sisters Grimmer. She tells the story from a future point where Earth has been visited by an alien race that is so far beyond humanity they could wipe us out in an eyeblink, but instead bestow rich gifts and technology.

Kelly: Points for using the gorgeous Walter Crane illustration.

A man who wants a beautiful wife is normal.

In those circumstances, “he doesn’t beat me” on its own meant you’d won the marital lottery.

One of my favorite classes in college was a history of fairly tales which was not only fun but academic.

The article over on NPR (“Tale as Old As Time: The Dark Appeal of ‘Beauty and the Beast’”) summed this trope up in a really interesting way: