
‘White people are standing in a half inch of water screaming that they’re gonna drown.’ -some brilliant woman whose name I can’t remember

This political trend right now that is propagating the notion that legislatures should have the final say over the academic work done at colleges and universities is absolutely, nightmare-inducingly chilling.

Not just university courses, but bike lanes! From Steve Nass’ wiki page:

Well this is what we need. Politicians without degrees making determinations about course offerings at universities.

Just another coward demanding the whole world be his safe space.

Funny, though, how Emma’s experience is shared by so many women in nearly all industries.

They can’t secede now, they have to get Trumples to Build The Wall on the dime of Blue State economies. They’re too busy poking at hornytoads with sticks while waiting for their gubbermint checks.

THIS ^^^^^

“Do we really need to see the mannerisms of our new leader through the lens of comedy on TV?”

This is shameful. The GOP has effectively painted Planned Parenthood as an organization that only exists to hand out abortions at will. The GOP politicians knows that this is a lie but they do not care, they stay on message. They do not deviate from that message until the message is reflected into the laws of the

and women...

It’s not just lawmakers. U.S. society hates poor people, period.

That about sums it up.

Why do so many lawmakers hate poor women?

I’d like to move to officially cut Texas from states receiving financial support from Blue states propping up their redneck asses. Get some straps on those cowboy boots, Billy Jim Bob Ray Cletus Junior.

Watch the bad health shifts, suicides, and makeshift abortions rise in the state if one were to already understand the amount of health related issues women suffer in places they cannot get proper care.

Jesus everlovin fuck- will it ever stop?

Comey, hands down. The FBI isn’t supposed to be politicized (which lol), but he had a duty that he ignored.

Both since neither one is anywhere to be found now that Cheetoh Mussolini has been elected and there is real life, legit stuff that NEEDS investigating.